150W Mh retro and T5..too much?


Active Member
I was going to but doing just the T5 on my 29. But I found a 150W MH retro kit and if all goes well, I will have over my tank soon.
Do you think if I put the reto in my canopy and change my T5 to both actinics, would it be too much? The are both the 24" 24W.
I had a 175W Mh retro over my tank, it was a little much. I had some algea problems.


You should be fine w/ 150w MH and 2 X 24w T5 actinics. I have the same setup over my 37 cube and it allows me to keep anything I want.


Active Member
What is the MH bulb? 10,000K? 12,000K? etc?
Im not exactly sure what MH bulb I would like to use, along with the T5 that is.
I kind of want a blue tint, but I dont want it to be blue all the way. If that makes any sense.


I'm currently using a 14k bulb (Pheonix). There are quite a few choices available but if you like a bluer look, you'll probably want to look at the bulbs that are in the 14k - 20k range.


Originally Posted by mopar9012
20K is too much blue.
Ill look at some pics.
Not neccesarily. It will depend on the bulb / ballast combination. Bulbs "burn" differently on different ballast so if you look at bulbs on other tanks also look at the ballast they are driving that bulb with.


Active Member
Ive found that a 20k is too much blue and a 10k is too much white, so I use a 14k pheonix also and it gives me a perfect balance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by fishfreak1242
Ive found that a 20k is too much blue and a 10k is too much white, so I use a 14k pheonix also and it gives me a perfect balance.
thats what I was thinking of doing, maybe a 14K or 15K
But I think it comes with a 10K bulb. So I think I might see what the 10K bulb looks like with 2 T5 Actinics.