155 Gallon semi-aggressive


I have bought a 155 gallon salt water tank. Its has already cycled, and added a Pocupine Puffer, Cardinal, 2 small perc Clown fish, a Rock Beauty Angel fish.
I have about 40 pound of live rock and 40 reg rock. 40 live sand + another 40 of reg sand.
I would want a community setup as opposed to very aggressive fish. However, I want large fish, but most large fish I found seem aggressive - so looking for large but peaceful tank. I have been doing some research, and now looking at a Lion, Blue Tang, Powder Blue, Tomato Clown or Marron?Clown, Wrasse, and possibly an snowflake eel maybe later.
I'm not sure whether the Puffer fish is narrowing my selection of fish, as I don't want WW-3 in there. I'm thinking about taking him back, but he is so cool.
One perc clown has disappeared - thinking possibly it was the puffer that ate it.
I have a Wet and Dry system and Protein Skimmer. Twin-tube lighting at the moment.
Anybody, got any remarks on the current fish in the tank, but also on the fish i should purchase next. Taking into account that I am still learning the ropes with salt water aquariums.
Thanks guys.


What is the difference between a pocupine puffer and a spiney box puffer apart from the size they grow. I'm now quite sure which I have. I've been reading a few books, but still can't decide which it is. Its about 4 inchs in size.
You mention to take back the Puffer to the store, is it because of the size it will grow to, or its aggressiveness, with the other I plan to put in?


New Member
Yes these guys are right but there are exceptions to every rule. I have a Pocupine in my tank with a shark and they get a long fine. In fact it's kind of funny they seem to be friends. When I first got my puffer he didn't eat for about 2 months. Then he finally started eating, and because he hadn't ate in so long when he did eat he seemed pretty sick. After he ate he would go lay on the shark and just sit there until he felt better, and then would swim around. They shark didn't care at all. I wouldn't advice going out and buying a puffer to see if it does have a different personality. But since you already own it have you ever seen it do anything to other fish? My puffer has never once went for the sharks fin. Or made an aggressive move at another fish. So anyways my point is; if your puffer does seem to be non-aggressive and you really like him, keep it.


I am also going to disagree about the puffer. they arent nearly as aggressive as triggers and mine has never once bothered another fish. puffers are aggressive feeders, but not aggressive fish