160g stocking suggestions


I have a 160g fowlr(about 150-200lbs of live rock). I has a protein skimmer(forget what type) and wet/dry.
As of now I have:
3'' damsel(trying to get rid of)
4'' dogface puffer
and a 5-6'' harlequin tust
What else could i put in there?
I was thinking
clown trigger
or bluelined trigger
or tesselata eel
or goldentail(Gymnothorax miliaris)
I am open to any ideas. Any cool/colorful/friendly fish you would recommend? How many more fish could i put in there?


I've got to disagree with almost everything that these other folks have suggested.
The large triggers, such as clowns and blue-lines will do fine as they grow and are indeed beautiful, but in a 160 gal. tank they are going to grow large and here's the kicker- most of the bigger triggerfish get violent when they hit maturity and go from being nice, community fish to the ONLY fish left alive, often in only one night.....puffers are often destroyed by triggers hitting puberty, being too slow and friendly, thus natural bully victims.
Panther groupers grow to about 2 feet, and at that size Mr. Tusk may just be lunch (plus they lose their cute spots and big fins as they grow, ending up a large grey fish with a HUGE mouth)
Some of the other groupers stay smaller, but most tend to hide 90% of the time and get very aggressive as well..........the two exceptions here (and two I highly recommend) are the "clown grouper and the 6-line grouper which are both really soapfish (grouper cousins) that are not territorial and don't get large enough to pose a threat to similarly sized fish.
Other good choices would be a nice tang (one per tank rule as they grow up) or a foxface (ditto)
Some eels would bve good....snowflake, chainlink and Zebra are all crustacean feeders and excellent choices.
The Tesselatas are beautiful but also grow to 5 feet and are fish eaters......a 5 footer can hurt YOU very badly, let alone any other fish in the tank.