165 gal !!!!!


I bought a 165 gal tank today :jumping: :jumping: , will go get it next week.
I am wanting to know if people with experience with Naso tangs would think that one would be okay in this tank.
The tank is 84" long, 18" wide, 24" tall.
I am also considering the following fish as well
3 yellow tangs
5-7 green chromis (or other suggestions for a schooling fish)
1 drawf angel (probably Flame or bicolor)
1 maroon clownfish (already own)
other suggestions welcome
Is that too many tangs in one tank. The tangs will be added after the tank is up and established for a while. Yellows first, then Naso, or vise versa if better
Will be a reef tank with lps corals and mushrooms and other medium lighting corals.
How much light would I need for these type of corals ?


Sounds like it should work to me. I would think adding the Naso first would help with cutting down with aggression. Congratulations on your tank.


Active Member
We want pictures, we want pictures. Ha! Congrats. I think your plan is good. Not sure on the naso 1st then the yellow's or vice versa. Maybe Dogstar or Lion crazz will know.

tx reef

Active Member
Originally Posted by CoachD
I bought a 165 gal tank today :jumping: :jumping: , will go get it next week.
I am wanting to know if people with experience with Naso tangs would think that one would be okay in this tank.
The tank is 84" long, 18" wide, 24" tall.
I am also considering the following fish as well
3 yellow tangs
5-7 green chromis (or other suggestions for a schooling fish)
1 drawf angel (probably Flame or bicolor)
1 maroon clownfish (already own)
other suggestions welcome
Is that too many tangs in one tank. The tangs will be added after the tank is up and established for a while. Yellows first, then Naso, or vise versa if better
Will be a reef tank with lps corals and mushrooms and other medium lighting corals.
How much light would I need for these type of corals ?

I'm jealous!


Active Member
Hey, leave me out of this.....j/k
I think as long as everything is healthy ect..bla, bla,...
Then should be fine....for a while.
The naso will get huge....
I dont think it would matter what order because the two different species act and look so different.
The yellows will stay close to the rocks slowly grazing and the naso is more of an active open water feeder.
Most fish want bother a naso much because they have those big double barrel guns on their tails...haha
Of coures theres never any gaurantees.....
I recommend 4 150 to 250 watt MH across that tank for corals....


So Dogstar, you feel like the Naso tang will outgrw the tank?
Is it because of the 18 inches in width? I was a little afraid of that.
I do not plan on upgrading any futher.
If I do not go with a Naso, any suggestions on a "SHOW" fish for my tank.
One fish that will stand out in my tank.
Thanks for the help.


I was at my LFS today and was talking about my options for my tank.
He is probably as happy as I am ($$$$)

Anyways, he said that I could keep two different types of drawf angels.
I will have somewhere between 150 to 200 lbs of live rock.
What do other people think of this idea?


A good show tang is a naso or unicorn but i would go with a chevron or achillies, both are very beautiful in my openion but the powder blue is great looking also, with your tank you could keep them all i would think. Do go with the anthias instead of chromises they are better looking


Originally Posted by CoachD
Anyways, he said that I could keep two different types of drawf angels.
I will have somewhere between 150 to 200 lbs of live rock.
What do other people think of this idea?
if you plan on adding that much live rock, you shouldnt have any problems with the dwarfs. i had 2 for roughly 2 years and never had any problems, now i have three. i dont see any problem with the naso either. 84'' is a long tank, plenty of room for a naso. get one that is 2-3inches, nothing 2 big. when i bought my naso he was 2 inches, now he's about 4inches, ive had him almost 1 year.
good luck and congrats on your new tank. :cheer:


IMO if you would be interested in something besides a large tang like the Naso you could get one of the smaller large angels. There are some that don't even get as big as the Naso. The Blue ring, Annularis, would be my first suggestion. They really get only a foot long. If you wanted to go up to a 15" angel you could get a Koran or a French, both very pretty and perfect for a show peice, they would be the main attraction. I would stay away from the angels that get 18" or larger, like the Grey or the Queen.


Thanks everyone for the replies, keep them coming.
I thought about anthias, but heard they are fairly hard to keep.
I am still leaning toward a Naso, but still would be open for other ideas.
I like the idea of two drawf angels. A flame and something else.
I like the bicolor, but may be two many fish with yellow, along with the 3 YT's.
I know about coral beauty's, what are some other drawf angels ?
Again thanks for the help.


Originally Posted by CoachD
Thanks everyone for the replies, keep them coming.
I thought about anthias, but heard they are fairly hard to keep.
I am still leaning toward a Naso, but still would be open for other ideas.
I like the idea of two drawf angels. A flame and something else.
I like the bicolor, but may be two many fish with yellow, along with the 3 YT's.
I know about coral beauty's, what are some other drawf angels ?
Again thanks for the help.
certain anthiass' are harder to keep than others. bi color anthias are relatively easy plus they are a schooling fish.
i would go with the flame and a lemon peel, they are beautiful (vibrant yellow and almost a neon blue outer edge. i think the lemon peel is more noticable than the yellow tang's...less aggressive as well.
if i was you, i would get a school of anthias, a flame/lemonpeel (yellow would take the place of the tangs, leaving you other options for more tangs).


Active Member
Carefull selecting Dwarfs for a reef , many will bother/pick at corals to a point where it can be a problem and some do not. I have a Flame and a Coral Beauty in my reef and mine pick but NOT to a point were there is damage...considered lucky.


I have been reading up on different type of fish and have changed my possible additions to my tank.
Here is my new list :
Maroon Clown (already have)
Naso Tang
3 - Yellow Tangs
Flame angel
Blue Throat Trigger
Yellow Watchman or Yellow Clown Goby
Neon Goby
Green Mandarin - at least 6 months after cycle
5-Green Chromis
Some type of Fairy Wrasse
Lawnmower blenny
For cleanup crew- I would use snails and serpent starfish, shifting cucumbers, and any other ideas that would not be eaten by the trigger.
Please feel free if you think that this is too many fish for my tank.
Any advise would be appreciated.