1700 mile move


I need your help on what I should do. With this semester of college rapping up and me getting ready to go home for the summer I need to decide what im doing with my tank. I have a 29 gal with xenia, shrooms, frogspawn BTA, 2 maroons (please dont flame they will have a bigger tank when they need it), and a coral banded shrimp. I was thinking about possibly bagging everything just as recieved it from SWF and putting it in a styrafoam cooler. the drive is about 22 hrs straight. I was thinking about bottling the water from my tank and taking out all sand. When I arrive back home in az setting up the tank just as it was however without the sand. I know disrupting the sand bed can cause bad, bad things. So do you guys think this could work? If not im gonna have to sell all to LFS and have to start all over next yr which I really dont want to do!


Active Member
I moved 1500 miles and sold everything before i made the move, it just wasn't feasable and we wanted to take the drive slow with at least 1 night in a motel (we aren't as young as we use to be, and i had no desire to drive a uhaul, thats was husbands job) We also were going into a new home and didn't have a clue where a tank would go because we barely got a glimpse of the house before buying. We couldn't just set the tank up as as soon as we got to our destination. My tank was an inwall 75 gal, I would go with your plan and take it with me if it you only plan on a 22 hr drive and your tank is not that large, it shouldn't be to hard, even your sand should be fine. I would place your livestock in rubbermaid containers once you arrive, and put sand, rock and water in the tank, and watch for any spikes in water before adding livestock.


I moved a 55 gallon cichlid tank once, from Texas to North Carolina and didn't lose a fish. I think what saved my fish, #1, they weren't salt water, and #2 I got a battery operated pump and put a couple of air stones in a hole I drilled in the top of the rubber maid lid. Carried extra batteries for the pump of course.
Maybe this would work for you, too, if you did a water change like maybe a week before you were ready to leave and then use some water from your tank before you broke it down. Is there such a thing as battery operated power heads?


If you can just leave it so theres about an inch of water over the sand... don't remove it from the tank. Leave the rock in a rubbermaid tub and fill that with water. Put your fish in one of those igloo picnic buckets