175 reef pics


Active Member
do you still like your chevorn even though he lost his baby colors
. They are beautiful fish IMO. Nice tank keep up the good work!!!!!!!


Thanks everyone
Actually I think your reffering to my Orange shoulder tang. I want a chevron but don't really think I need to add any more fish.
fish include
Red Sea Sale Fin
Yellow Tang
Orange Shoulder
GSM clown Have had him for 2 + years
YT Damsel
Green spot mandrian
Royal Gramma
PJ cardinal
about 10 P shrimp
1 coral banded shrimp
10 or 12 green emerald crabs
20 or so hermits mix
10 to 15 large turbo's
20 or so throchus (spelling)
lots of softie corals one LPS and some SPS


i am not that good at taking pictures myself but i would advise you to turn your flash off and your aquarium lights on for better pictures and you'll have better color of your fish in the picture.
for example, i'm pretty sure that your blue tang isn't teal.
good luck
nice tank


Thanks Nemo those are some quick shots I took I know they suck. The lights where on though 450 w mh and 4x96 w atinics. the flash still came on the cam that day though. I have an olympas 800 8 mega pixel cam but haven't figured out all the little settings and stuff. thanks again. The color is for sure not exact.