175 watt bulb advice


Its that time of year, need to replace my halide bulbs and was wondering if anyone has experience with XM bulbs. IF you have any pics of the 10k or 20k that would be great.


Active Member
No XM experience here, but from pictures I've seen, the XM 20,000K 175W bulb may be a little dim at this wattage; I know Neowind here on the boards runs the 20,000K at 175W.
I just replaced my 175W bulbs this past week with 15,000K Coralvues which I am very pleased with so far. They took the place of a Ushio 10,000K and an AB 10,000K. So far, the Coralvues are just as intense as the 10,000Ks with a nice balance of blue and white in my opinion, and at $50 a pop, cheap too! I don't have any pics yet, but will post them later this week, after the bulbs are totally burned in.


Active Member
One more. As you can see they are very blue. I am also using Normal Output actinic supliment. You dont need to do this and I may switch them out when they are older.