180 gal fuge help


got tank and stand home yesterday and found out that i cant run one 55gal tank under stand for a fuge due to the center support. so will use twin 25/30 gal tanks connected with pvc... one tank for fuge, one for sump/skimmer. so i am looking for links to dual tank fuge setup. anyone got em? thanks for the help in advance


Active Member
EASY as pie! and the two different tanks act as baffles for you! I recently broke down my 65
and combined it into my 135
. I was running a 29 gal. sump on the 135 already. I pulled the ecosystems fuge from the 65 and put it into service on the 135. Now I have a completely split system. with 2 return pumps and 2 separate drains. To insure I keep both tanks running level, so my ATO will work on the one. I have a 1/2 in poly tube running between both return pump compartments. I'll change this out to a 3.4 in pvc connection later on. It isn't even drilled or anything, just from one to the other over the top. Prime it and the two tanks level each other out. Working like a charm for about 2 weeks now. But you can drill 'em if you want. Want some help drawing up a twin 29 gallon sump/ fuge?


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
EASY as pie! and the two different tanks act as baffles for you! I recently broke down my 65
and combined it into my 135
. I was running a 29 gal. sump on the 135 already. I pulled the ecosystems fuge from the 65 and put it into service on the 135. Now I have a completely split system. with 2 return pumps and 2 separate drains. To insure I keep both tanks running level, so my ATO will work on the one. I have a 1/2 in poly tube running between both return pump compartments. I'll change this out to a 3.4 in pvc connection later on. It isn't even drilled or anything, just from one to the other over the top. Prime it and the two tanks level each other out. Working like a charm for about 2 weeks now. But you can drill 'em if you want. Want some help drawing up a twin 29 gallon sump/ fuge?
yeah doc, if it wouldnt be too much trouble, that'd be great... am gonna use twin 20gal high tanks, dims are 24L x 12w x 16h. will be running dual overflows rated at 600 gph per side... drain them both into a 1in line then run a 3/4 line into fuge with ball fitting to control flow into that and the rest into the sump/skimmer tank. havent gotten the skimmer yet as i just got tank off ---- and got it home yesterday


Originally Posted by sbaumann14
yeah doc, if it wouldnt be too much trouble, that'd be great... am gonna use twin 20gal high tanks, dims are 24L x 12w x 16h. will be running dual overflows rated at 600 gph per side... drain them both into a 1in line then run a 3/4 line into fuge with ball fitting to control flow into that and the rest into the sump/skimmer tank. havent gotten the skimmer yet as i just got tank off ---- and got it home yesterday
ps... would rather drill em and connect the two

the maggot

Originally Posted by sbaumann14
got tank and stand home yesterday and found out that i cant run one 55gal tank under stand for a fuge due to the center support. so will use twin 25/30 gal tanks connected with pvc... one tank for fuge, one for sump/skimmer. so i am looking for links to dual tank fuge setup. anyone got em? thanks for the help in advance
not sure i can post the link ---pm me and i'll get it to you


Active Member
Do you already have the 2 20's. Reason I ask is it's gonna be dadgum tight with those. I calculate back wash at 17 gallons. Probably gonna be a little less than that, but we'll be pushing our luck. I like to leave a little wiggle room. 2 29's would work much better. or even a 29 and a 20 would work. Might have to elevate the 20 a couple inches, might not have to. A standard 29 is 30X12X18. I know I've bout mine for 60 bucks apiece. Anyway, I'll design it whatever way you want to go.
One return pump, or two? one will give more room in the sump/fuge, two will let you just run on one if you need to for maintanence or a failure. Of course two will cost a little more than one will. But just about 30 bucks more....ish. Do you want to run some other stuff off the return line? Reactors, U/V etc? If so, what? What about water change valve?


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Do you already have the 2 20's. Reason I ask is it's gonna be dadgum tight with those. I calculate back wash at 17 gallons. Probably gonna be a little less than that, but we'll be pushing our luck. I like to leave a little wiggle room. 2 29's would work much better. or even a 29 and a 20 would work. Might have to elevate the 20 a couple inches, might not have to. A standard 29 is 30X12X18. I know I've bout mine for 60 bucks apiece. Anyway, I'll design it whatever way you want to go.
One return pump, or two? one will give more room in the sump/fuge, two will let you just run on one if you need to for maintanence or a failure. Of course two will cost a little more than one will. But just about 30 bucks more....ish. Do you want to run some other stuff off the return line? Reactors, U/V etc? If so, what? What about water change valve?
what i got to deal with is two compartments under the main tank w/about 25L x 22w x 20t in each sectionand the opening between the 2 sections is 11 in wide. got some 20 talls up at foster n smith here in wi that have dims of 24L x 12x 16t.... so i can use one as a fuge n the other as sump/skimmer tank. one pump should do it... and a uv sterilizer.


Active Member
Is this a standard 180? 72x24x24? It's gonna be tight with those, level will be on the low end for sure. Basically we can only fill both up a little over 1/2 full. So the flow is going to be pretty quick through 'em, even split. How do you feel about check valves? I don't like 'em myself
and don't recommend
them, but they do have a purpose. This would give us a little more room in the sumps.


Originally Posted by wattsupdoc
Is this a standard 180? 72x24x24? It's gonna be tight with those, level will be on the low end for sure. Basically we can only fill both up a little over 1/2 full. So the flow is going to be pretty quick through 'em, even split. How do you feel about check valves? I don't like 'em myself
and don't recommend
them, but they do have a purpose. This would give us a little more room in the sumps.
was back downstairs last night doing some measuring, and it looks like if i take a router to the middle supports and knock out about 3/4 in out of each one, i should be able to fit a 55 gal in there which is gonna make life a whole lot easier