180 gallon aggressive stock list ideas


Hi am trying to figure out what to add to my 180 gallon aquarium.
In the aquarium i have 100 plus punds of live rock and sand with snails and a couple hermits.
As for the fish i have:
porcupine puffer 7-8 inches
niger trigger 7-8 inches
lunar wrasse 4 inches
zebra eel 24 inches
undulated trigger 3-4 inches (i sold my old undy a while ago, and i came home one day and my dad had bought me another undulated as a suprise, i was thinking about keeping him since he is not aggresive at all but i am not going to risk it, so i am in the process of trying to trap him and give him away)
and a stupid pinfish that i caught and i thought it would be cool but it has grown like 3-4 inches in the past couple of months and i am trying to get him out of the tank also
so anyways i was wondering what else to add. i want to add a tang or two and some type of large angelfish but i am open to any suggestions.
and finally for filtration i have a 30 gallon sump with a euro-reef skimmer and live rock rubble.


Active Member
Sounds like a good tank for a harlequin Tusk (Australian variety). BTW, I'm amazed that you have any inverts left, all your fish should be eating them....and good move on the Undy. They will go postal sooner or later.


yehh thats a smart move gettin rid of the undy.
harlequin tusk would be nice in there, also, maybe a large angel and another trigger?orsay a angel and a pair of blue throat triggers?
no lions or thingslike that obv cos the triggers wouldkill them.
but i think, if the 180 is over6' long, you could get a large angel, blue jaw pair, and maybe a sailfin/yellow/purple tang:D

crypt keeper

Active Member
180 is 6 feet. its 200+ that really get 7 to 8 feet long. That Undy will cause some serious issues sooner than later. Those fish are worse than Clowns. Hell Id put them up there with Queen Titan aggression.


This Sunday I picked up a nice sailfin tang from a someone local. I took a risk and put him straight in the DT because I don't have my qt set up quite yet. He is doing really good and has been eating pretty much everything I put in the tank and he picks off the rocksall day,and he has no signs of diseases. Also I got the pinfish out with a hook but the undy is still in there so next feeding I am going to try the soda bottle trap.
As for the stock list could I add maybe one more tang and a large angel. I don't want to pay over 50 (so that cuts out the tusk and sohal)for the next fish because I am not even old enough to get a job yet so anthing under that would be good.
I am going to add pics later today of the tang and the tank.


LOVE your niger, for a large angel your not going to get much for under 50, you could maybe ask your dad to get you one for like 80, you can get a nice juvi thens.
sohal would be beautiful but yeh, expensive.
maybe a hippo tang?
but if you do get a hippo tang
QT IT!!! these fish are VERY prone to disease so dont get one untill your QT is up and running, there cheap too.


Originally Posted by skate020
LOVE your niger, for a large angel your not going to get much for under 50, you could maybe ask your dad to get you one for like 80, you can get a nice juvi thens.
sohal would be beautiful but yeh, expensive.
maybe a hippo tang?
but if you do get a hippo tang
QT IT!!! these fish are VERY prone to disease so dont get one untill your QT is up and running, there cheap too.
thanks, I forgot to put that I would pay more than 50 for the angel. I am a c-list kind of person (because there is no good store around here)and that is where I get most of my stuff so if I can find a healthy hippo from someone taking down there tank I will get it.
So would this stock list be ok
porcupine puffer
Niger trigger
lunar wrasse
sailfin tang
zebra eel
hippo tang
emporer(sp?), queen, or annularis angel