180 gallon question


I bought a 180 gallon tank for my current inhabitants: 30" zebra moray eel, a 16" white ribbon eel, 4" panther grouper, 8" S&S puffer, 6" lion, and a 5" tusk. I would like to add just one more fish- a bamboo shark or a bird wrasse.
My question concerns compatability. The puffer is the meanest fish that I have ever known, biting my fingers and arm when it enters the water and he picks on all of the fish as well. Do you think that the shark or the wrasse will be injured? Or can I have the two wrasses together?
Please let me know your thoughts and I will act accordingly. Thanks once again!


Active Member
Bio-Load issues aside... The shark would get torn up by the puffer, and the wrasse would probably get eaten by an eel. I would just stick with the ones you got. Sounds like an awesome aggressive tank to me.


Would not recomend a ray the tusk and puffer would probbably take the eyes from the ray, puffers are a BIG no no with rays and not to mention when I feed my rays I often have to go to the bottom of the tank with my hand, so that puffer would have all day to nipp at you.