180 Gallon Salt Tank advices - Eel?


Active Member
Just picked up a nice deal on a 180. Not sure if I'm going fresh or salt yet. But, What can I go salt?
Tesselata Eel
Clown trigger
What large eel can go in a 180 other than a Tesselata and can a Clown Trigger live with one of these eels?


Active Member
dont do the tessy and clown dude, do something like a zebra, coral cat shark, volitan lion, chevron tang or some other tang cuz having a tessy and clown will basically be hell underwater and wont be that cool

ledzep fan

Active Member
My fish list would be:
Hawaiian Black Trigger
Witemouth and a Zebra eel
Queen Angel
And two tangs like a Purple Tang and a Sohal Tang


if i would choose one of those fish i would get like an 8 inch clown trigger


Active Member
jjust remember that as with any species of eel alot of fish are not eel safe and visa versa but with the tess i would stay clear from this species all together the only fish that are somewhat safe with this eel are small if your lucky enough .. but with this particular species you must be willing to dedicate a large tank soly for this eel alone


Active Member
That was the thoughts. Just the eel in the tank. IMO that would be a low maint tank. This tank is behind a wall near my Pool Table so I'm looking for an attention grabber.
However, Is there anything that can be kept with a Tessy? A Voiltan maybe?
If not is there any large eel that may be recommended with a Volitan?


i kept a green wolf eel for about a year with my volitan and he was very entertaining. from most of the eels i have seen or heard about this one was probably the biggest attention grabber. they are actually not even considered eels, but instead thought of as blennies of some kind but man was he cool. very aggressive and always out in plain view at the front of the tank. feeding time was always something to look forward to as this guy would attack anything small to fit in his mouth. they don't get all that big. only about 18" i think so you don't have to worry about him outgrowing your setup. have to be careful though bc it will jump out of the tank and die if not covered up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 95Harley
That was the thoughts. Just the eel in the tank. IMO that would be a low maint tank. This tank is behind a wall near my Pool Table so I'm looking for an attention grabber.
However, Is there anything that can be kept with a Tessy? A Voiltan maybe?
If not is there any large eel that may be recommended with a Volitan?
i dont reccomend any eels with lions although i have had my lions with smaller eels with my large lions however my jeweled was very aggressive at feeding time and often chased my lion and nipped at his fins..as for the tess absolutly no fish that you would not concider food including other eels this species will kill and eat other tessies as well this is a solitary eel. what i have done is added damsels with my tess these fish are small and add more color and movement to the tank and yet are small enough that my tess has not as of yet gone after them in fact my sgt major cleans my eds teeth ... these are beautiful eels but i would never has intentionally purchased mine if i had known what he was at the time of purchase..these eels should be kept in the wild... as for other eel choises there are several species to chose from that ar less costly and somewhat community friendly..
go to http://fishbase.org/ComNames/CommonNameSearchList.php
this is a listing of moray eels and information pertaining to each species this may help you decide which eel is best suited for your desired tank