180 stocking questions


I'm setting up a 180 gallon tank, 6x2x2. I'd like a Naso tang. I had a juvenile once and it was a great fish. I know a 180 is supposed to be big enough, but would an adult Naso look freakishly big in one? I'd also like a bristletooth tang, a small group of Chromis (or Anthias) and possibly a pair of false percs.
I'm aiming at creating a peaceful tank that doesn't seem overly crowded. My plan includes live rock, some of the easier corals, a couple of cleaner shrimp, a serpent star and some snails. It'll be a bare bottom, so should I leave out certain species of snails? Last question-- I was looking at getting a couple of Koralia powerheads, but was wondering if the attaching magnet would work on an acrylic tank?
Thank you very much in advance!

a sea k

I have always wanted a Naso Tang and bought a large tank (210gal) thinking I would be able to keep any fish I wanted. When I started to carefully research each fishes requirements it became clear my 210 would not be large enough to keep a Naso long term. Unfortunately I don't think your Naso will be happy when fully grown and suggest you select a smaller species. I have Hippo, Mimc, and Kole tang in there and the Hippo has grown quite a bit and is already becoming cramped. Although I don't believe your 180 is big enough for a Naso it will easily house several smaller tangs and most of the Bristletooths are an ideal candidate. I would suggest a Mimic tang, Kole or Tomini, and a Yellow or Purple tang for your tank as a mixed group. They are all different species, Acanthurus, Ctenochaetus, and Zebrasomma and should co-habitate well without any aggression problems and all will be comfortable long term. As a tip add all your tangs at the same time and they should be added as the last fish in the tank.
Of the common snails Conchs and Nassarius are sand dwellers so wouldn't be suitable for a BB tank. Most all of the other common snails should be fine.
Can't help you on the Korallia magnet as I dont have any.


Thanks. That was exactly the kind of input I was looking for. Even though I'd love a Naso, putting in a fish that will be almost a quarter the length of my tank didn't seem like a good idea.


Active Member
I agree, IMO, nasos get too big for a 180g. I have the same size and have a hippo, sailfin, and yellow tang in it. I might get another one at some point too, perhaps a mimic. But that'll likely be it for tangs for me, any more would be crowding it.
As for the Koralia, the magnet is pretty powerful and should work if you have the bigger ones. I have 3 Koralia 4s on mine (although mine is a glass tank), but keep in mind too that the Koralias also have suction cups to help hold them as well.


My Naso is happy in the 150gal right now but he's not very big. If he ever gets so big that I think he's unhappy, then I will sell him to someone with a bigger tank. But they don't grow from 4" to 16" overnight so I think it'll be at least a few years before I have to make a decision.


Active Member
I had a Naso in a 6 foot tank for 4+ years, probably not the best choice of fish in retrospect, however I have to say he never came close to outgrowing it, I got him at just short of 4 inches and he put on about an inch a year, It would take a long time to outgrow your tank IMO. But there are certainly a lot of great smaller Tangs to choose from though. I found the Naso to be a very peaceful and interesting fish though.