180gl 2-Month pics!!!


will look real nice when you add more rock, ITs a big tank to fill. I know.. i just went from a 55 to a 210 good luck.


Just one question out of curiousity, why do you put eggcrate above your sandbed???:confused:



Originally posted by stuckinfla
Plenum?:notsure: Its an expieriment with UGF. When more sand is added, you wont see.

What is the theory behind doing that? I will be from a 120 to a 220 in the next month or so, just wondering if it's something I should consider as well.


Ive tried the plenum therory, sounds awsome and i think in theory it will work, however, i couldnt get mine to quit sucking up the sand even with fine screening. I t always came in around the riser, I ruined several powerheads finally just took the riser out and forgot about the plenum, last weekend I had my tank split, so now I just have a DSB.


Active Member
What I want to do is get a turkey baster and stir it up a little between the holes every two weeks or so. This mixes it up a bit, and with the rocks resting on the crate, no dead spots. I read this guys atricle who did this with great success (tank of month on another site), and I wanted to try it out. Only two months up, and rocks that were on the sand be had the telltale grey cloud come up when they were moved. I want to try and prevent that.


Active Member

Originally posted by stuckinfla
Plenum?:notsure: Its an expieriment with UGF. When more sand is added, you wont see.

Anything to do with a UGF is a bad idea IMO?
I had one in my 180 FW and omg it was like living in a sewage treatment plant.


New Member
stukinfla, im new at this and dont quite understand your comment about a telltale grey cloud around the rock, do you advocate stirring up sand every now and again just to move the anerobes around?


Active Member
I dont advocate anything to anybody unless It has been tested tried and true. I have not tried this, so I will not tell anyone that they should too.
I dont know if there is anything written on this, or if its right or wrong, just what I see in my 55, so trying something new in the 180.
As for the grey "poof" that appears when rock is disturbed, In my opinion, there are alot of critters living in the LR. Have you ever noticed little grey piles of sawdust looking stuff on your rock or sand that wasnt there yesterday? I believe these piles are some kind of waste or whatever. That mixed with the waste the fish produce accumulates under the rock where there is no water movement to get it into the water column to filter it out. It just sits there and creates dead spots(I dont think anything can live in there)
IMO by stirring up the sand may prevent alot of waste from accumulating and may lead to a healthier system.
SW65galma - Was unerneath your UGF cleaned regularly?


New Member
i guess i understand what youre saying, but even if trash sits undisturbed, the aerobes and anerobes work on it, depending on the oxygenation. and then the nitrates get into the biologic filter, i think. Isnt that the whole point of live rock. bdb


Active Member

Originally posted by stuckinfla
I dont advocate anything to anybody unless It has been tested tried and true. I have not tried this, so I will not tell anyone that they should too.
I dont know if there is anything written on this, or if its right or wrong, just what I see in my 55, so trying something new in the 180.
As for the grey "poof" that appears when rock is disturbed, In my opinion, there are alot of critters living in the LR. Have you ever noticed little grey piles of sawdust looking stuff on your rock or sand that wasnt there yesterday? I believe these piles are some kind of waste or whatever. That mixed with the waste the fish produce accumulates under the rock where there is no water movement to get it into the water column to filter it out. It just sits there and creates dead spots(I dont think anything can live in there)
IMO by stirring up the sand may prevent alot of waste from accumulating and may lead to a healthier system.
SW65galma - Was unerneath your UGF cleaned regularly?

I think the problem was like a regualr filter, it couldn't handle the waste and just overfilled. I would have had to clean it a lot, which as you know in a 180 isn't the easiest thing to do.
So it's easier to change a filter in a canister or HOB filter than bother with the UGF.
I just see NO reason to bother with a UGF..
I don't see it buying you anything besides headaches.


Active Member
Originally posted by stuckinfla
[ Its an expieriment with UGF. [/B]
Must try everything once, can always be removed if not satisfied with results.