

How long does it take for an anemone to attach himself to a something. I have had him about 12 hours. I figured last night w/ the lights out he would do that. What should i do.


Active Member
Mine floated around for DAYS!!
I kept having to rescue 911 his butt cause it kept getting stuck in the frickin filter!!
I have four in the tank and it took a long time for them to settle. One just recently moved from one spot to another in the tank.
I refuse to have them in my new 80. They look wonderful when they are full


long tenicle. He has found a home durin the day but at night he disconnects. Another question my clowns hosted in a mushroom it died and now they can't find my anemome anything i can do to help them out


Active Member
try to put the anenome where the mushroom use too be or just put it where the clowns can see it.