18g reef - what is a good filter (seahorses)


New Member
What is a good filter for an 18g tank that we want to set up with Seahorses and Clown fish? I know the seahorses can not take a lot of water movement, but I know I still need to move the water. Can anyone suggest a good filter for this?
I am in the proccess of setting back up all 3 tanks after our move, my 75g reef, a 55g saltwater northern tank, 29g fresh, and the 18g was fresh and we are thinking of doing what i said above with it. If you see any reason why we should not please let me know.


Active Member
seahorses and fish dont mix. the seahorses will most likely not get a chance to eat. and some clowns can get very nasty.


THe only clowns ther would be 'ok' with SHs, are false percs. But, DO NOT put anemone's in a tank with SHs. If you do, you'll lose all the horses. Also, what kind of horses are you planning on, most of them, 18g is alittle too small. Unless you get dwarf Horses, then it will get very expensive since they only eat live shrimp. Plus they can't have any other fish in the tank, since they are so small.
Just be carefull with horses, they can be quite a fragile with other fish. Since they are slow swimmers and are very curious. Research on www.seahorse.org before diving into it.


New Member
Originally Posted by Pat713
THe only clowns ther would be 'ok' with SHs, are false percs. But, DO NOT put anemone's in a tank with SHs. If you do, you'll lose all the horses. Also, what kind of horses are you planning on, most of them, 18g is alittle too small. Unless you get dwarf Horses, then it will get very expensive since they only eat live shrimp. Plus they can't have any other fish in the tank, since they are so small.
Just be carefull with horses, they can be quite a fragile with other fish. Since they are slow swimmers and are very curious. Research on www.seahorse.org before diving into it.
Thanks for the excellent info! Right now it is all in the 'idea phase', i told her we needed to looking into the seahorse part of it before we bought any equipment. I was concerned myself with the mixing of fish with them. We might do the 18g as a clown tank and the 29g as the seahorse then, give them more room and keep them seperate.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Pat713
THe only clowns ther would be 'ok' with SHs, are false percs. But, DO NOT put anemone's in a tank with SHs. If you do, you'll lose all the horses. Also, what kind of horses are you planning on, most of them, 18g is alittle too small. Unless you get dwarf Horses, then it will get very expensive since they only eat live shrimp. Plus they can't have any other fish in the tank, since they are so small.
Just be carefull with horses, they can be quite a fragile with other fish. Since they are slow swimmers and are very curious. Research on www.seahorse.org before diving into it.

My seahorses don't eat live shrimp. They eat frozen mysis. If you get dwarves you will have to hatch live brine for them EVERY DAY.


You can get one of those in take hatcheries for brine shrimp. A LFS suggested one of those for some. I used one for a time to use up some bine eggs i had and didn't want to waste. Units work pretty good :). They said that would be a good food source for pigmy S.H.'s.
never tried it though. Might at least be a decent augmentation to your normal feeding rituals.