1st dead fish in a year


Got my tank up and running about a year ago. I have had really good luck with the tank and the fish. Not a single fish has died. Until 2 days ago. I had a Powder Blue Surgon Fish and a Foxfaced Rabbit fish. Got them both as small fish. The got along and they never acted hostile towards eachother. But the Surgon fish started chasing the other fish around in an agressive manner. It stessed the foxface out so I removed him and put him in the reserve tank. I was going to donate him to the Tropical Fish store down town. He died sometime that night. I took him and a sample of water from both tanks. Everything looked good, I just had a dead fish.
Well anyways just wanted to say hello, I am turning my 42 gallon fresh water fish tank into a saltwater tank. It will be interesting.