1st fish and invert order!!!!!!!!


Just made the plunge for 2 wild percula clownfish, 10 nassarius snails, 10 turbo snails, 3 sally lightfoot crabs and 10 assorted hermits. The clownfish will be going into a 29gal. QT and the inverts will be going into my 90gal DT. I had a few questions:
1. What should I get my SG and temp at in my qt tank to help the clownfish out w/ the acclimation?(ordered from saltwaterfish.com)
2. Can I cut the bags open and drip acclimate all of my inverts together or should I put them in seperate buckets and acclimate them that way?

jessi p

I can't answer your Q but I am eager to hear the others' opinions to your question. I am making my own first order from swf.com this week and have the same Q about acclimating the inverts. :thinking: :thinking: :thinking:


Active Member
I've always acclimated all my inverts together in the same bucket and they did fine. I think you need to be sure not to acclimate inverts and fish together.
The SG for your clowns would be fine a little lower 1.019 or higher, but for inverts definitely keep it about 1.024-1.026. Inverts need a higher SG.
Good luck with your critters, and post pics when you can. FUN!! :cheer:
Lisa :happyfish


Originally Posted by andy51632
Just made the plunge for 2 wild percula clownfish, 10 nassarius snails, 10 turbo snails, 3 sally lightfoot crabs and 10 assorted hermits. The clownfish will be going into a 29gal. QT and the inverts will be going into my 90gal DT. I had a few questions:
1. What should I get my SG and temp at in my qt tank to help the clownfish out w/ the acclimation?(ordered from saltwaterfish.com)
2. Can I cut the bags open and drip acclimate all of my inverts together or should I put them in seperate buckets and acclimate them that way?
Well, first off, I hope you arent planning on acclimating the fish IN your QT. You have to acclimate them to whatever water you want to put them in.
Secondly, I don't know if you realize what acclimation is for. It is to slowly get the fish used to the conditions of your water without giving them shock by just tossing them, from the LFS's conditions, into your tank. QT or DT. Your QT should be closest to the DT as you can get it, parameter wise.
Please view this: https://www.saltwaterfish.com/site_11_03/acclimation.php
SaltWaterFish.com has made a short slideshow of how to acclimate.
For the snails/hermits, IMO they only need a temperature acclimation. So just floating the bag of snails/hermits in your tank should be fine. It doesnt take but 15-20 minutes to acclimate these little guys.
Hope this helps, Good luck.


The clowns are going to go in my 29gal QT for a month or so before I introduce them to my display tank, just to make sure I do not introduce any pathogens into my display tank(DT). I think that is what I read to do, if not I have a spare 29gal for a nano reef later in life.
I have my sg in my qt tank at 1.021, Should I try to drop that to 1.020 before I get the fish in there
My sg in my display tank is 1.025 that should be alright for the inverts, right?
It said to acclimate snails and hermits for 1+ hour on this site, can I just temp. acclimate them and throw them in?


Active Member
I always acclimate everything separately bag by bag if from online, You never know what bin each fish or critter was pulled from. If from same then no probs... but if were pulled from different bins with different systems then dumping together in a bucket then trying to drip would defeat the entire purpose.


Active Member
I disagree about floating snails or hermits, but dripping is extreme. They are MORE sensitive to salinity than temp, just put them in a small bucket or tub with a cup or so of original water they came with. Then add a turkey baster of tank water every 10 minutes to start getting them used to tank water.