1st pics of our new tank.


Ok sorry the pics look a little wierd, had issues with the 500x500 and it made some look strange. Can't figure out how some pics on the forums seem bigger then the 500X500 but this is my 1st time uploading pics. This is my 1st Saltwater tank and my wifes 2nd. I know the cords are a little messy atm but I am going to fix them this weekend. I did install the shelf inside the stand for added storage and to make drip loops for the Battery backup and Ballast box for the lights. I mounted the power strips so those are out of the way and have the drip loop as well.



Active Member
Very nice live rock....lots of corraline already...good for you. What are your plans? I'm sure you know this, but you will eventually need more rock.


Thanks for the replys. Yes would love more rock now if everyone in our area would stop buying the fuji so we can get some more. We got lucky on the two big rocks had my wife put them on hold till we could get back and grab em, someone else came looking just after too. She has a old tank at her parents so we are going to move some more rock over from there and she has a ton of purple mushrooms and I have 2 ricordias to grab from there as well. So mainly shrooms and ricordias with some fish and we will see what else is open for trades for some of the mushrooms.


Active Member
i have almost the exact same shape rock as urs the one on the left. anyways.. u gonna add those corals and fish right away? maybe u should wait a bit.. and forget the background,,just paint it black or blue maybe even pink..lol..


Active Member

Originally Posted by helpme74
get Oceanvisions Backgrounds
One-of-a-kind, self-adhesive aquarium backgrounds :cheer:
Someone else recommended using auto tint for a background. I think that's a good idea. I painted mine but don't recommend you paint yours now that the tank is full.