1st post


I am very new to the SW world and i have started a 55 gal tank. I got a skilter 400 filter w/ protein skimmer, a 550 powerhead, 2 22 in "power-glo" lights. I have around 5o lbs of LR and a nice bed of live sand that is about 3 inches deep. At this point i have 1 true percula clown, orange spotted goby, 5 hermit crabs, 1 horseshoe crab and 2 turbo snails.
I have had my tank up and running for going on about its 6th week. I have decent purples and greens beginning to pop up on my rock but i have a ---- ton of brown algae. I have never tested Ph, ammonia and all that other stuff. I do check my specific gravity and do frequent water changes though and have not lost either of my fish.
I plan on getting another perc tommorow from my LFS. At some point am i going to have to buy an anenome for my percs or will they be fine by themselves?
How many crabs/snails are a good number for my cleanup crew in a 55?
Should i be overly concerned about the brown algae that is growing rapidly in my tank? If its a passing phase, how long should it take before the growth calms down?
My fish and cleanup crew stay very active and appera to be healthy. There is some debris on the sand that has been there for awhile. Will my crew get to it or should i vacuum it with a gravel siphon i use on my freshwater? Does it sound like the tank is going in the right direction?
I want to have small peaceful fish in my tank, no big triggers or tangs or anything of that nature and eventually i would like some corals. Any suggestions?
Again thanks for any suggestions. I have been lurking for about two weeks now and i just got the courage up to post. Please reply to me in laymans terms or there is a good chance i will have no idea as to what you are talking about.


Your brown algea are called "Diatoms" it comes from silicates in your water and is normal for a new system. It's ugly and will take over your tank, but wait...we have cycling in process. If it lasts too long read up on other posts here, there is always "brown" algea questions. do you have a pic? Good luck:D


First you really should get a marine test kit and monitor your system to help prevent problems, I would pick up a few more snails and hermits to help with cleanup, the Perc's don't need an anenome to thrive and you need to remember at all times you have a 55 gal tank and thats not a lot of room so be careful. adding another perc could be a problem if you add the same species, they can be aggressive toward their own kind if introduced seperately. I am not sure what power glo lights are but to raise coral you need the best lights you can aford and they are not cheap, I use power compacts, many use Very high output floresent with metal halides but either way it will cost you so plan to save now. IMO the most Important thing is GO SLOW and I know just how hard that is I have a ways to go before I start to stock my aquarium, but it will pay off in the long run and you have time to learn along the way. as for the brown alage many times it is caused by high phosphates, once the diatoms use up the phosphates it will diminish but you still need to control it. you can use Kents phosphate sponge in a fine mesh filter bag to help get rid of phosphates. Good Luck...........and WELCOME to the board :D