1st reading of relocated FOWLR tank


New Member
Ph 8.0
Ammonia .25
Nitrite 0
Nitrate 80 <----I've read this is way high!
hydrometer 1.022
I was told by the tanks previous owner to use tap water to fill the tank. From what I've read here this is a big NO-NO. How do I go about getting my Nitrate level down? Water changes are not a problem, I just need to know what filter to buy so I can put some better filtered water in. Thanks for your input.

keith burn

Active Member
At this time you need to look at the ammonia.
You are cycle the new tank.
Do w/c as the ammonia go's up.
This will take time weeks and you will get water lvl ok after cycle is over.
And look at a r/o sys or buy water from lfs.