1st shipment from SALTWATERFISH.Com


New Member
What did you order from them? Just curious. I'm trying to decide where to order my live rock from...


New Member
I would also like to know what you ordered. I ordered some dry goods. Rio (300 GPH) Power head, and a MagnaFloat Cleaner.
I ordered it on Wednesday and it is suppost to be here Friday!! Quick shipment...Miami To Venice in a day.
I hope I am happy with it!! I want to order some livestock from them but I am not sure that it is going to be cost effective and I also have to deal with the problem that there is no one here to recieve the package here during the day after I start school again.


we would also like to know. did you order anything living. we are thinking of ordering from them but we live in oklahoma city, oklahoma


I got 10 blue hermits, 10 turbo snails, 10 pepermint shrimp, 1 cleaner shrimp, and 1 slug. All arived in great shape
I have ordered from this site many times. I have always been pleased. Everything arrived alive and well. Just to let you know the type of critters:
snails, scarlet hermits, blue legged hermits, brittle star, asst. snails. This was a cleanup crew.
I also ordered coral banded shrimp, bubble coral, elegence coral, and feather dusters, and cucumber, not all at the same time.
Not one thing died because of anything that SWF did.
The scarlet hermits and the blue legged hermits fought it out, and the scarlets won, (no more blue leggs). The elegence coral died the day I put it in to the tank. It was a beautiful specimen, but my domino damsels thought so too and devoured it in no time.Needless to say, the dominoes were toilet food. (let me interject that I am against flushing a fish, but these two dominoes really P'd me off.)
Everything else is alive and well.


New Member
I am experimenting with a 10g mini reef... 20lbs ls, 15lbs lr, etc... cycled through with two clowns ok in less than 3 weeks. What would you recommend introducing into the tank first?
I am thinking a pink tip anemone, green star polup coral, spiney urchin invert, emerald crabs invert, live mat coral, and maybe some brain coral and atlantic carpet. I have 10 Blueleggers already but I also want scarlet hermits... will they work with each other? How big are the corals and anomones from swf.com? Also does swf.com carry sea fans?


I just order the 20-50 gal clean up crew. Shipped fast and arrived in good shape.They e-mailed me the day it was shipped and it arrived the next day. You can e-mail them and have the package ship to where you don't have to sign, but the warranty changes.