2 1/2 Clown trigger


Can I keep a 2 1/2 inch clown trigger in a 12 gal nano cube for about 2 months? There's about 12 lbs of rock in there and he'll be the only one in there. After 2 months, he will be going into my 180g.


by the end of 2 months he'll probs be about 3 1/2" i think?
i suppose aslong as you stay ontop of things, making sure he has good diet and that nitrates doesnt build up, he should be fine, but you may to be prepared to get him over sooner then that.


Yeah i know its small and I'll definately be on top of water quality. I think he should be good though, he'll most likely be in the 12g for about 6 weeks before going into my 180g.


Personally I think a 12gal nano tank is too small even as a QT for a fish that grows so fast when small. But I guess if you have to, it can be done.


Yeah, small indeed. Problem is I need him to grow atleast another inch so my jeweled moray wont gobble him up.


Active Member
Originally Posted by erifish3
Can I keep a 2 1/2 inch clown trigger in a 12 gal nano cube for about 2 months? There's about 12 lbs of rock in there and he'll be the only one in there. After 2 months, he will be going into my 180g.
These little CTs have a terrible survival rate as it is; I'd think putting any CT into a tank that small would stress them to the point of no return. IMO, a very bad idea.


So its been 2 weeks since i put him in the 12g and he's still growing, hes at about 3 inches now. Since my 180g is still not ready, thinking about putting him into my 24g cube by himself.


So now he's at about 3" easy but my 180g is not quite ready yet, so I transferd him over to a 24g were he will be accompanied by a damsel half his size. Any predictions as to the fate of damsel?