2 1/2 gallon questions..

b mccoy

New Member
Hey folks.. I saw a thread here with a 2 and a half gallon tank setup and am wondering how to go about setting one of those up. I know that there is alot that I need to learn in the first place, but would like to go small because of expense and room. Anyone have any tips??


The 2.5 gallons are easy to set up--just get some cycled live rock and some live sand and start out from there. If you're unfamiliar with mixing saltwater, they sell pre-mixed saltwater your local fish store that you can buy for cheap...also top off with RO/DI water.
Depends on what you want in it exactly...I'd only recommend LPS and softies that are easy to keep (candy cane, zoos, mushrooms, florida ricordias etc). When you mean tips--could you elaborate on what you're looking for in particular?

b mccoy

New Member
When I said tips, I just meant any advice would be welcome. I'm not even sure if I am going to do it or not. I am just thinking about it..
Thanks for your help.. :happy:


Okay...hm...here's a couple:
2: DON'T OVERSTOCK YOUR TANK & don't overfeed (you will get tons of algae--keep fish to a minimum)
3: Skip the PC setups...you will eventually want halides, save money and save up for a halide setup...
4: Buy an RO/DI unit for top offs and saltwater mixing--BEST investment I've made thus far...
5: Don't really trust your LFS' saltwater that's pre-mixed...the pH is always screwed up and the salinity is usually too low for my LPS--from my experience that is.
6: From the beginning run Phosban...keep the algae bloom to a minimum and you'll have less of a headache.
7: Be patient--wait a month maybe two for cycling, even if it seems done...add fish first always, then corals later...this will ensure that your tank can handle the bioload if fish since coral bioload is near moot.
8: Get an Auto Top off--float switches are cheap (I can tell you where--SWF I still think doesn't allow me to link to other sites), just hook it up to a pump and piping into the tank and a reservoir and you're good to go...very easy and it'll help keep your tank stable.
9: Start slow--don't buy expensive corals initially...get the hang of things then start investing.
10: Have fun :), don't do it if it isn't fun.
Originally Posted by b mccoy
Hey folks.. I saw a thread here with a 2 and a half gallon tank setup and am wondering how to go about setting one of those up. I know that there is alot that I need to learn in the first place, but would like to go small because of expense and room. Anyone have any tips??
wat knowledge in marine keeping do you have?
Originally Posted by rbaby
Okay...hm...here's a couple:
1: DON'T USE TAP WATER AS TOP OFFfiltered water from tap works for me
2: DON'T OVERSTOCK YOUR TANK & don't overfeed (you will get tons of algae--keep fish to a minimum)small fish 2 inches or less and only one
3: Skip the PC setups...you will eventually want halides, save money and save up for a halide setup...for a set up this small and easy keeping coral(shrooms and polyps and some brains) can be kept under simple lighting.. i use 2 corallife 50/50 bulbs
4: Buy an RO/DI unit for top offs and saltwater mixing--BEST investment I've made thus far...we are not all rich so ...
5: Don't really trust your LFS' saltwater that's pre-mixed...the pH is always screwed up and the salinity is usually too low for my LPS--from my experience that is.my friend own a private store so it works for me
6: From the beginning run Phosban...keep the algae bloom to a minimum and you'll have less of a headache.no experiance here
7: Be patient--wait a month maybe two for cycling, even if it seems done...add fish first always, then corals later...this will ensure that your tank can handle the bioload if fish since coral bioload is near moot.or if you have a tank already its only 2.5 gallons .take it from youre other tank..instant cycle
8: Get an Auto Top off--float switches are cheap (I can tell you where--SWF I still think doesn't allow me to link to other sites), just hook it up to a pump and piping into the tank and a reservoir and you're good to go...very easy and it'll help keep your tank stable.or make sure youre tank has a lid so evaporation is minimal
9: Start slow--don't buy expensive corals initially...get the hang of things then start investing.agree fully here
10: Have fun :), don't do it if it isn't fun.


Luda, he's just asking for general tips, not about his 2.5 gallon...
When I said tips, I just meant any advice would be welcome. I'm not even sure if I am going to do it or not. I am just thinking about it..
Thanks for your help..

nemo lover

Maybe I am not understanding your question. Is this your question: You are looking for tips and advice on setting up a 2.5? Or on a tank in general?Are you looking for what type of equiptment to use? Do you have experience in sw?

b mccoy

New Member
Nemo lover.. I am looking for advice and tips on setting up a 2.5. Also what type of equipment to use and can you direct me to it. I have a large FW tank that is running quite nicely, but I want to try SW. Now I know what people are going to say... Go with a bigger tank. The problem with that is money and space, money being the biggest concern. I know that SW is not chep by any means, but a 55 is a lot more expensive than a 2.5 will be. I have learned quite a bit about SW by reading here. There is a lot of good info, and everyone has to start somewhere, Right? At any rate I appreciate and will appreciate any and all help that you folks can give me to help out..

nemo lover

Well I do not recommend a 2.5 for newbies. Imho I would go bigger. IMO these small tanks can be pricey too. You can look in the local cassifieds, and on this website, and find great deals on used equipment. :yes:
For equipment I use a AC mini hob filter powered by a maxi jet -replaced all media with cheto to make a refugium. I use an auto top off to replace all evaporation. A corallife digital thermometer. A 25 watt neptune heater in the hob. My lights are 3 x 13w pcs, and one 9w pc the bulbs are 50/50's, and atinic. For a total of 48 watts. (this much lights are not needed in a 2.5 its just a personal preference) 2 x13wts are fine. I have a custom built hood, and canopy from hog a reef keeping friend. I am not exactly sure how much sand, or live rock I have. I really just added to my preference. For my clean up I have 2 nerite snails, 2 nassarius snails, 2 cerith snails, and a turbo. IMO way to many inverts for a 2.5. I would say one of each minus the turbo would be enough for starters. There are a few other misc. things needed I did not mention like test kits, refractometer, carbon, etc.
Have patience, good things come in time. Get a couple nice books, and read up. Also check out all the sticky threads on this board especially the ones in the beginners forum.
Here is my 2.5, nothing special but its mine.
