2 36" JBJ PC fixtures with stands


I have 2 36" JBJ power compact fixtures. These are great lights, I just need to upgrade. They have worked WONDERFULLY for the corals I have: colts, shrooms, brains, frogspawn, hammer, bubble, xenias, capnella, etc.
They are 8 months old. Each fixture has 1 96w actinic, 1 96w 50/50 daylight and 2 fans. Separate switches for each bulb and fans. Also I have the stands for them which raise them up from tank about 4 inches.
I'm posting this to see if there is any interest.


I'm looking to get $225.00 each, this includes the 4 bulbs which sell for $60.00 apiece. Shipping/packaging i'd have to look into. I would guess $25.00/30.00 each unit, but that's a guess.


I'm gonna throw this out there for ya, take it for what its worth, at 8 to 9 months old, you should stop factoring the bulb cost into the value you hope to get from the fixtures. They are in most peoples opinion at nearing the end of their prime for light quality. I change my pc every 8 months, most people every 10 - 12, and it is recommend by most manufacturers usually at 12 - 14 months.
Just a thought if you are not getting any replies at the cost you are asking.


I got the same brand but 260 watt on ---- last week for 220 and 20 bucks extra for the stands brand new with warranty. I don't need lights but you can't get back what you paid for em when they have been used for a year. know 75 bucks off and I bet you will have better luck.


saltwaternewbie, you can not even buy the bulbs for those for 100 dollars, so the odds of him selling you the fixtures, and supplying you with new bulbs for 100 dollars, thus taking not only 500 or so hit on the fixtures, and paying an extra 200 for bulbs is not likely. i know i wouldnt give you 700 dollars for your 100... so i wouldnt hold your breath waiting on a reply. just a thought.


Sorry, haven't been around to read these posts. But $100.00 for both with bulbs!!! You've got to be kidding.
I just replaced 2 bulbs at almost $60.00 apiece.
$175.00 each and that's the bottom line. Otherwise I'll just hang on to them.
you are never going to sell it for that price i can go buy new ones for that price ill let you think about i am still offering 100 plus shipping so like 110 to 115 total let me know email me.... YOU can sit here all month and never sell or just sell to me.... GSXRKIDX@AOL.COM


SaltWaterNewbie, you've got WAYYYYY to much attitude.
When you find lights just like these, brand new, at the price you're offering, I'd like to see a copy of the receipt.
Good luck and don't waste my time any longer.


Bull, let me find out how much the shipping to NY will be. What a bummer, we were in NY just day before yesterday for the Westminster Dog show. Could have brought them.