2 48" lights PC and T5HO..Pickup Pittsburgh PA


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
I have these 2 lights on my 75 gal now.
What made you want Halides after having T-5?


Active Member
shimmer effect..lol
plus the unit is 760w and i can def have no issue with wanting a clam then. Also the 2 lights on my tank..I cant hardly get in my tank..I have to keep taking the one off to do anything in the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
Are you local. To pick them up
Nope..Sorry..Did not notice that..Thanks anyway


Active Member
well priority mail shows shipping is around $16 per box..but I would still have to get boxes big enough for these and bubble wrap to make sure they are safe and no breakage.
if you really want me to ship them...I will take $190 for each..and say 20bucks per light shipping.
total would be $420 shipped for both lights.


Active Member
190 is the lowest I will go...I only had it for a week. I bought them from my LFS who special ordered it in for me. I paid 230..Not going to take an $80 loss over a week..Only reason I am not taking it back to the store cause it was a special order they made for me. I cant return it.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
total would be $420 shipped for both lights.
Thanks for the offer, but i can get brand new shipped for $296 with bulbs..Thanks anyways though


Active Member
Originally Posted by watson3
Thanks for the offer, but i can get brand new shipped for $296 with bulbs..Thanks anyways though
Id like to see where you can get a 48" Current 4x54 T5 light and Orbit 4x65 48" BOTH for under 300shipped...not each..but for both..who ever said mine didnt have bulbs..my email is sl3000gt94@aol.com


Active Member
Originally Posted by 05xrunner
Id like to see where you can get a 48" Current 4x54 T5 light and Orbit 4x65 48" BOTH for under 300shipped...not each..but for both..who ever said mine didnt have bulbs..my email is sl3000gt94@aol.com

I did not realize the price was for BOTH..That is a great price, but then I would have one laying around..I can get the T-5 for 296 w/spare bulbs