2.5 gallon nano anyone?


hi! i just wanted to see some pics of those 2.5 gallon tanks.
how do you maintain them?do you have fish or inverts? i just like the way they look(what ive seen)

b mccoy

New Member
Here is mine. It has been running for 2 months now with a small blue damsel and 3 blue leg hermit crabs. I am about to move up to a 10 gallon, and transfer everything to it. For now, I still like my 2.5 .

b mccoy

New Member
I had a 10 gallon whisper filter on it, and a 15 watt zoomed 50/50. I just moved it all to a 10 gallon and added another 10 gallon filter. I am in the process of building a hood and am going to go with another 15 watt light. And then start adding corals


wat kind of filtration and lighting do you use on it?also i understand inverts and live rock but a fish in something that small?your water levels must be going crazy!do you change water like .... twice a day! how do you maintain it?

b mccoy

New Member
Acually the little damsel is not bad at all. I wouldn't put more in there, but from what I understand a little gobie would be fine also. I just do a water change about once a week. The water was in good condition. Like I said, I just moved everything over to a 10 gallon. And I got a little clown. I am going to get another, and some sort of anemone for them to use as a host.


Active Member
Main filtration will be the live rock......Any hob filter is used mainly for mechanical filtration on occasion or to provide circulation without the need of a powerhead adding more heat to an already small tank......The Aqua Clear line of hob filters are great for adding on these picos since they add more water volumn and also provide a place to put a heater and small skimmer on the AC70 and 110 models at least.....2.5 gal is a PICO tank not a NANO