2.5 Tank Plans


The forum is slightly different since I have been here last. But, anywyas I'm back. So the deal is that I want to setup a 2.5 Gallon Nano. This time I have the money and the drive to do so.
Here's the plans tell me what you think.
2.5 Gallon Glass Tank
Aquaclear Mini HOB Filter (Possibly Needed)
2x13 watt PCB's (Actinic, 6500K)
Rio Powerhead (40-69 GPH)
5-6 lbs. of Live Rock (or however much is need to totally fill the tank)
2.5 lbs. of Live Sand
And thats the hardware. Base Livestock will be:
3 Blue Legged-Hermits
3 Turbo Snails
1 CLeaner Shrimp
1 Percula Clownfish
Thats about it. Tell me what you think. My favourite thing to hear about ideas is criticsm.


The Mini sounds fine although, you may want to look into a smaller HOB filter (they have some new small ones rated at about 16gph and your still turning over your tank about 7X/h) .
IMO I would rely on the HOB only for flow (esp. if you use the Mini), I had the same size Rio in a 5g Cube and it was hard to place things in the tank w/o it getting knocked over. Another reason is the HOB will allow you to have a greater water volume (not a lot but in a nano everything helps).
I say this because the Mini PLUS the PH might be little much for that size tank (the PH alone will have a turn overrate of 16X/h).
A percula in a 2.5?? :nervous: I would be a little worried about that. Esp. if the tank is "totally fill[ed]" w/ LR. A neon goby or shrimp goby/shrimp pair would be a better choice for that size tank. Also there may/may not be enough food to support 3 Turbos, I'd add them 1 at a time as needed if you add them at all. Keep in mind it's a small tank the more bio-load you put in the faster water quality will decline.
These are just some ideas. HTH


if i were u, i'd just make a shrimp tank. camel shrimp are cool, but if u want some coral they will eat polyps. a group of peppermint shrimp? or some sexy shrimp?


Active Member
scrap the blue legs, and put in 3 red legs, the blue legs will eat each other, and the snails, oh yeah and welcome back!