2.5g Pico


I have a friend who wants to give me their 2.5g pico for my desk.

So I think I will take on the challenge... I was considering making a sump out of a bucket or garbage can (I know this does not make it exactly a pico anymore, but thats okay). Has anyone done this?? Do you drill your tanks?? I'm guessing the hob would be enough for a 2.5g but if I have a sump then its a little different.
I think I would also think about building a ato for the pico.. but again if I have that I should probably have a sump because between that and everything else.. there will be no room.
Also do you 2.5ers use heaters??
I would really like to talk to some people who have 2.5g picos so if you could talk to me through the forum or you can always email me at shiby1510@netscape.net thanks all!


New Member
I have recently put together a 3.5g bowl from AquaEl. I do have a heater in the tank and have been cycling for 6 weeks now. I do a 1 gal water change every week and have finally reached 0 on amonia and nitrite. I use the sponge filter that came with the tank and the oxygen helps to keep my levels balanced. The only problem I am having is lighting. I can't seen to find small enough bulbs with the proper lighting. Other than that my Damsel has been very healty for 6 weeks now, and I am planning on trading him for a Clown Golby very soon, and adding some live rock for filtration. Good Luck!!


Originally Posted by vdubbug
I have recently put together a 3.5g bowl from AquaEl. I do have a heater in the tank and have been cycling for 6 weeks now. I do a 1 gal water change every week and have finally reached 0 on amonia and nitrite. I use the sponge filter that came with the tank and the oxygen helps to keep my levels balanced. The only problem I am having is lighting. I can't seen to find small enough bulbs with the proper lighting. Other than that my Damsel has been very healty for 6 weeks now, and I am planning on trading him for a Clown Golby very soon, and adding some live rock for filtration. Good Luck!!

Would an incandescent socket 50/50 10 watt florescent bulb be plenty for what your wanting? They only run $10-15 typically. I have one in my 5 gal hex.
The LR would recycle the tank a bit. Perhaps get some base rock and one great peice of LR ?


First off no incadescent.. go with a power compact. I helped my friend set up her tank and we used a 9inch 18w compact over her 3.5g.
I think it is that vdubbug is having trouble finding something that will work because he has a bowl.


Originally Posted by shiby1510
First off no incadescent.. go with a power compact. I helped my friend set up her tank and we used a 9inch 18w compact over her 3.5g.
I think it is that vdubbug is having trouble finding something that will work because he has a bowl.
Why I suggested the one i did :) And tiny tanks don't need a lot of watts. They can use an overhanging stand ficture or DIY hood :D. And they are ,at least on a couple sites, classified as mini compacts. And PCs are typicaly a type of flourecent aren't they? Here is a picture of what i'm talking about.


New Member
Originally Posted by Bojik
Why I suggested the one i did :) And tiny tanks don't need a lot of watts. They can use an overhanging stand ficture or DIY hood :D. And they are ,at least on a couple sites, classified as mini compacts. And PCs are typicaly a type of flourecent aren't they? Here is a picture of what i'm talking about.

I found that buld at my lfs,but it won't fit under my hood. I founda 9" 50/50, but the longest I can go is 5-6". Plus I am unable to find a water proof socket for the thread type bulb. Thanks.


New Member
Bojik said:
Why I suggested the one i did :) And tiny tanks don't need a lot of watts. They can use an overhanging stand ficture
I have not come across an overhang. The only overhang I have seen is for the nana cubes, and that is overly expensive!!! Do you have any suggestions for a small overhang???


Its non existent... Plans have changed a lot but I think I going to build a 12x12x12 acrylic cube over the wintertime...
I'm just trying to find out about external protein skimmers because Im going to drill this tank with both of my bulkheads in the bottom of the tank and I dont know if this possible.
On another note I setup 3.5g for a friend. That tank is lookin nice... I started them out with water, rock, and sand from my established tank and it cycled under 2 weeks.


vdubbug said:
Originally Posted by Bojik
Why I suggested the one i did :) And tiny tanks don't need a lot of watts. They can use an overhanging stand ficture
I have not come across an overhang. The only overhang I have seen is for the nana cubes, and that is overly expensive!!! Do you have any suggestions for a small overhang???

Some stores have cheap incandescent lamps. Might be a viable solution though many would need modified. And to water proof a solid socket use HIGH temp silicone. Like the gasketing material in a tube for ATV's, found at car part stores the evil W-mart etc. (not sure if that particular one is salt safe but its an example) Might have to end up building a PC hood using those short bent in half type bulbs. Hope we have been of some help at least.


Active Member
I've had my 2.5 pico set up since Dec. 05 and it's doing pretty good. I just have an aquaclear filter on back, and a 50 watt heater that looks really cheap but works great. My lighting is a Satellite compact 18 watts, I think. I don't have a sump or anything although I would like too, just don't know how. Is yours a standard glass or one of the acrylic ones?


New Member
Originally Posted by petjunkie
I've had my 2.5 pico set up since Dec. 05 and it's doing pretty good. I just have an aquaclear filter on back, and a 50 watt heater that looks really cheap but works great. My lighting is a Satellite compact 18 watts, I think. I don't have a sump or anything although I would like too, just don't know how. Is yours a standard glass or one of the acrylic ones?

Mine is a glass fish type bowl from AquaEl. It's awsome, but I am having the lighing trouble. Where did you purchase your lighing????


Active Member
Well my tank is 12" across i think, I had to search for a while but I found a couple places that sell it and a fixture thats twice the watts. It's a Satellite Compact fixture I believe. There's also a 9" aqualight that a lot of places sell.