2 Anenomie 2 clown fish and lighting for sale in MD


As the title reads, I have a pacific green tentacle Anemone for sale with a Atlantic Anemone and Two Ocellaris Clown fish. I’m asking $100.00 OBO for all of them, The Pacific Anemone alone almost ran me that much (I think he was $90 from my LFS) The lighting I have for sale I will post up pictures later it is not the metal Halide in the picture it is a 24'' Current USA Florescent light. Anyways here are the pictures we can work out when/where pick/delivery if buyer wants we can work something out. $100.00 bucks is a steal. I will give these fish/Anemones back to the LFS if no one wants them.

I will post pics of the lights im selling tonight with a price in this thread. I will update it later on. You can reach me Via E-mail : BigSteads@yahoo.com AIM: BigSteads or PM me for my cell phone number.


Where in Md are you located, and if your parting out whole tank lmk. Ill prob want other stuff.


Please read the Add. I am selling 2 Anenome and 2 clown fish and a light.
dholmblad-Where in Md are you located, and if your parting out whole tank lmk. Ill prob want other stuff.
I am located in Silver Spring, MD


Originally Posted by NOFISH
how big is the green anenome? and will you ship? i give it a good home 120gl
When he is completely out he is approx. 12'' in diameter I would say, you can see how big he gets in the pics and I have seen him bigger then that. He is defently growing Still.
Yes, I am willing to ship. However I have never done it before and could send it possibly threw my LFS??? Where are you located?


New Member
what kinda of lighting is that? You said 24'' Current USA Florescent light? regular florescent light? or with lunar? I live in central VA, I could drive up on weekend to pick them up.


Originally Posted by YWONGPSI
what kinda of lighting is that? You said 24'' Current USA Florescent light? regular florescent light? or with lunar? I live in central VA, I could drive up on weekend to pick them up.

I will post pics of it tonight, sorry I didn't before I have been busy. but I will get it taken care of. It has 3 diffrent color settings aswell as 'off of course. I will put the pictures up when I get home from work around 3:30 or so.


New Member
I would definitely be interested in the clowns & anemones if you could ship. Could you get an estimate to area code 60505? My email is fish @kaboodles.com. thanks, Julie


YWONGPSI- Email with pics and info sent.
CPUBOB - Im still looking into the shipping thing I will find out tomarrow and shoot you an E-MAIL