2 clown triggers


Active Member
To elaborate, they can become highly territorial, and a 240g tank is more like the minimum size tank to have one in. They are likely to terrorize all the other inhabitants in the tank in time. So it is a very big risk.


Active Member
At the small sizes listed, there is a chance they could co-exist for awhile. They are, however, approaching the sizes where aggression and attitude kick in. You've been given some solid advice by ophiura. I wouldn't do it.


New Member
yes they are known for being super aggressive, but like people different fish have different attitudes and personalitys. you can introduce them at the same time, or if your adding one to a tank with one already in it, take out the one thats already in there move your rock set up around then put them both together.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Clim221
yes they are known for being super aggressive, but like people different fish have different attitudes and personalitys. you can introduce them at the same time, or if your adding one to a tank with one already in it, take out the one thats already in there move your rock set up around then put them both together.
The odds of having two of these fish with mild temperaments are slim to none. Moving the rock around can sometimes be used to throw off territories, which can reduce aggression in fish that can be peaceful. In reality, it won't work with large, aggressive fish like clown triggers. Even if one was passive as it grew, the other would simply see it as easy prey.


Active Member
The odds of two working long term is exceedingly low. Again, a 240, IMO, is small to house a single specimen. I would NOT put a clown trigger in that tank if there is another fish you prize (e.g. your puffer). To keep a clown trigger you must accept the fact that the clown is THE fish you intend to have, and if anything else dies in the process....oh well. IMO, it is not worth it for this fish.


Active Member
Just to chime in...
I disagree with the majority of the posters on this thread. The clown trigger, while aggressive, can be housed for a long time with suitable tankmates. IMO, two together is actually a pretty good combination (relative to other potential tankmates). While I have never had a clown trigger for 25+ years (their lifespan), I have had them for several years at a time and never had one killed by any other fish including other triggers.
Ophiura is right about something, though... if you get one you do have to be ready to accept tankmate casualties along the line. But like I said, two clowns together, especially if added close in time, are probably as close to ideal tankmates for these guys as you can find.


Active Member
I think what is important though is that if it goes wrong, it will really go wrong, IMO at least.


Active Member
Originally Posted by ophiura
I think what is important though is that if it goes wrong, it will really go wrong, IMO at least.
Just out of curiosity, would you rather see a clown trigger housed with an emperor angel, dogface puffer, volitan lion or another clown trigger?
IMHO, suitable tankmates for these guys are only (1) other triggers, (2) eels, (3) groupers and/or (4) large damsels.


Active Member
There is no doubt that most angels, and basically all puffers and lions would be totally unsuitable as tank mates, IMO, in most home tanks.
In several thousand gallon systems I have kept them with large tangs and angels, groupers, large wrasse and other triggers. In that particular system, in fact, it was a lunare wrasse that was the biggest problem.