2 clowns hosted in one day


New Member
I have 2 ocellaris clowms and got a green bubble tip last weekend.Got home that night and put it in.The next day they are both in it.Is that normal for both to host at same time?I have had the clowns for 3 weeks and decided i wanted a Anemone.I was shocked it only took that long.I have heard all the people who can not get theirs to even host.I just was wondering if it is normal for both te be in at same time.Thanks for any replies.


It is quite normal for both to host the same anemone. I guess you were just lucky as as far they accepting it so quickly. Post some pics when you get a chance...


Active Member
Some clowns host sooner than others . My Clarkiis took to the new LTA withing minutes and my maroons took to the new RBTA withing two hours . Yet , I have some that won`t host a nem at all .


New Member
couple years ago, when i had 3 occelaris, i had bought a magnificent anemone and within 10 minutes of it being in the tank, all 3 were swimming around in there... this was before 1 clown got bullyed and died and the anemone died aswell