2 clowns same size will they pair


New Member
i just bought a used 55 gallon used tank. i already owned a 12 gal with a pair of percs. the smaller one (im assuming the male) died.i had a hard time keeping up with the 12 gal since im a beginner.I decided to transfer all my 12 gallon live rock to my 55 . i transfered the percula in to the 55.that fish was happy as ever.anyway i went to the lfs to purchase another clown hoping to habe them paired.they only had 2 in stock one very large and one the same size as the one at home.the smaller one was beautiful with a amazing ultra bright color.( i was told it was a trade in and the owner added lots of additives to his tank) it was suggested to me to add the larger one but i had read that if i already have a female it would not turn back to a male. i was afraid the large one would be a female.anyway i took the risk and bought the smaller one home. after puttting it in the tank i noticed they are exactly the same size. they are both med sizes percs the other perc got aggressive with the new one. they nipped at each other 2 or three times and then afterwards the old perc keeps following the new one around making this kind of whipping motion. he has not nipped at it again and the new clown isnt even bothered by the old ones reaction. its not hiding or anything either. does anyone think there will be a chance they will pair. being that they are the same exact size.they arent hurting each other at all.i really dont want to take the new clown back. plus my lfs told me if i do i will only get half my money back(not fair)well if anyone can help i would really apreciate it.