2 different types of clowns

i know there is a rule of only 2 clowns, and only adding 2 fish to a tank at a time, but, has anyone had 2 black percs and 2 orange percs at the same time? would anyone recommend it? if they all were from the same tank at the store and were entered into the dt at the same time.
if only one kind, which is the preferred choice?


the deal with clowns is that different speceis like clarkis and cinamons will fight if they are the same species there is less of a chance of it. You will still have fights though because in a LFS tank there are so many fish in there that the aggression is spread out to the entire tank. but in your home tank there arent as many and 1-2 of them will start to change --- and defend an area in the tank as they change to female.

30-xtra high

Active Member
i'd say it'd work if you have a big tank, but if you have an anemone at all, you'll need 3-4, because they will fight over just 1-2

30-xtra high

Active Member
it all depends,
1. do you have/ plan on having other fish, and what fish?
2.what kind of lights do you have, and how many watts?
3. i'd say just a couple of bubbletip, or sebae anemones
I have 2 fire fish, 1 lawnmower blenny, not really sure on other fish besides the clowns. Lights are 40 watt full spectrum and 40 watt actinic t12.
I know that I do not want any large fish in the future, ie; larger than 3 inches or so.

30-xtra high

Active Member
well your lights are no wear near good enuff to have anemones, you would need a total of 300 watts for anemones, so if you're not gunna get the lights meaning you'r not gunna get the anemones, you''l probly have to pick 1 pair of clowns, the anemones keep their minds off each other, thats why i said get 3-4


I thought full spectrum was good enough for a condi anemone? there the most Hardi needs the less light like regular factory lights aren't good enough I'm sure, but I was told Condi's didn't need the big fancy MH or T5's
Oh! I've seen Condi's and Bubbles survive w/ full spectrum in a display tank at the LFS
And I woudn't mix clowns I would only go w/ mated or only one of one species

d0 thy d3w

u can keep them alive with probably 5-6 watts per gallon of pc..maybe a little less..as long as theyre really close to the light..and also..clowns dont need to have an anenomie..they will often find something else to host..some clowns have even been known to host suction cups from a heater..or some other random thing..


Oh! hmm... my clowns they have this rock that they try to stay around it's not any kind of LR or BR it's just a decortive rock w/ acouple of holes and they like to stay right in there most of the time they had another spot under this little ledge but I moved it and couldn't get it right again but thats kinda weird w/ the suction cups but whats the average watts per gallon for any anemone and also corals?

30-xtra high

Active Member
4 watts a gallon for anemones and softies, and i was suggesting to have anemones, because he wanted 2 pairs, and if they each have an anemone , they won't care about the other clowns.
so if we upgrade our lighting (which is something we are looking into, but are so confused with all the different types etc) and had a few anemones i could get the 2 pair of clowns? the are the same species and will come from the same tank at the lfs.
could you please give me suggestions on lighting? what would be the best way to go.......thanks

30-xtra high

Active Member
i would suggest 2 150watt MH (metal hallides), and if your tank is at least 6 months old and you have a protein skimmer, you can add a couple OF THE SAME SPECIES OF ANEMONES, then add the clowns at the same time, and if you already have a pair in it now, take them out and put them in a sump/fuge or a quarentine for about a week, then go buy the new pair and add them at the same time.