2 Dwarf Angels in a 75 - Bad Idea?


New Member
I currently have a flame angel (~2"), and I saw a tiny pygmy angel (size of a quarter) that I really liked at the LFS. Looking to see what everyone thinks about putting those two together in a 75. I do have about 110 lbs of live rock, so there are plenty of places to hide and separate.
Also, I am currently hypo-ing the flame and the rest of my stock because of a recurring ich issue, and would also quarantine the pygmy, so I can control what order I would be placing these into my DT in a month.
Any insight is appreciated.
Other stock:
A B&W ocellaris, two ocellaris, and a tomato (two of these will be going in the 75)
Lyretail anthias (female)
Blue tang (small...I know the risks)
Sleeper goby
Various SPS, LPS, and softies (I will watch the angels)
Cleaner shrimp, hermits, snails


You could try it, it would be if they were the same size to the flame doesn't show dominence. You could find some useful info in the aggressive fish section of the forum. I asked the same question a while ago lol...


Active Member
It is possible, maybe, IT really depends on the temperment of the fish. Personally, I wouldn't try it in anything less than a 150+ gallon tank. Because at least then they can have their own space without ticking the other off.
But typically you'll have problems.
That being said, after my huge tank crashed I had a coral beauty and a flame in a 58 gallon till the hurricane killed em. But I was one of the lucky ones.


Active Member
The significant size difference is going to work in your favor, and the fact you are going to add them at the same time. The only thing I really don't recommend is buying extremely small fish. They are quite fragile, and often just missing a meal or two is too much with their extremely high metabolism. If the small cherub seems healthy enough, eats strong, etc. I'd say go for it, it should work, just a plan in place to move an angel if necessary (like into whereever the extra clowns are going).


New Member
Thanks everyone for the advice so far.
One thing that I just thought of. I have a 34g Solana that I am developing a stocklist for...currently only a diamond goby. I was thinking about putting a flameback angel into this tank (not sure if African or Brazilian...depends on what I can find, demeanor, and friendliness with corals).
I would then have 3 dwarf angels total...would the flame and cherub be the best pair in the 75g. I would consider other combinations, but I would really like to have those three in my tanks.

crypt keeper

Active Member
Originally Posted by villi
The pygmy angel I was talking about is a Cherub angel (I think centropyge argi).
They are extremely aggressive towards other pygmy angelfish and more than likely will kill your Flame once grown
Coral beauty is the way to go imo.


I have 2 Bicolor angels in my 30gal QT right now and both were picking at rocks the first night and have not bothered each other. The larger one was 1.5" and the other was 1".


New Member
I am going to pick up the cherub angel this weekend. In 4-6 weeks, I am going to try and put my existing flame angel and the cherub into my 75 at the same time. Hopefully, with the amount of hiding spaces in the 110 lbs of LR, they will be able to co-exist. Otherwise, I will have to break things down and catch the cherub and place him in my 34g (and not get the flameback angel).
My new question is, what is the bare minimum size QT I can keep the cherub angel in for 4-6 weeks? I will be starting with water, LR and LS from my 34g or 75g, so it will be established. I was hoping with him being the size of a quarter, 5.5g would be enough for that time. This QT will be the fourth tank in the room, and it would be easier to "hide" a 5.5g.