2 Dwarf Lions in a 30g?


I’d like to start at 30g FO tank and populated it with two Dwarf Lions. The tank is standard shape glass. I have a choice of a 10g or 20g (depending on space) tank that I would use for a sump to house the pre-filtration, skimmer, heaters, and bio-tower. I’ll post-filter with a large Ocean Clear in-line (I know it’s overkill, but I have them just sitting around.). So I figure space may be a bit limited, but actual water volume with be 40-50g minus sparse decorations.
Does this sound OK or will the tank space be too small?
Thanks all!


Sounds too small to me...i'm not even sure you could fit one lion in there. I'm sure lionfish will let you know for sure.
That tank is way too small for even 1 Dwarf Lion let alone 2 of them. I have a Antennata in a 46 (big mistake, I just thought he looked cool) he will be the 1st fish in new 92gal tank that should be up by X-mas. Dwarf doesnt always mean tiny they get up to 8 inches and thats not small considering it will eat whatever he can get its mouth around,go to aggressive board and ask Mr. Lionfish that boards expert Shark on these type of fish he will fill you in.
Goodluck with the hobby ...... :)


LionFish says.......
Yeah, definitely too small. Looks like Craig has been doing his homework on them, too. Yes, Dwarf doesn't mean they are going to stay small in general, only dwarf compared to the rest of the family. They usually can reach 7 or 8 inches in awhile. I keep mine in my 75 gallon tank, as he has gotten to be about 6 inches now. If you want to get a Dwarf Lion, and I mean just one, you should have at least a bare minimum of 50 gallons. This is a precaution as you do want your fish to stay healthy and have enough room to swim freely. Hope this gives you a little insight.


Thanks for the info. I have been getting conflicting information as to the swim space requirements. Add to that they seem to be hard to get locally and I've bee told they are not easily shipped. So I thing I'll re-evaluate. Maybe another reef project...