2 fish 2 days


Question...I have had a fowlr up for a little over 2 years. Never had a fish die. Yesterday my tank got a little over heated i think (about 93 degrees) and I found my Kole Tang Floating dead. I got him out, got the temp down and this morning my mandarin (my fav) was also dead. I think he died yesterday too I just didn't see him. Anyways my temp is under control now and I did water param checks just to make sure things weren't dieng because of the water. I guess my question is, is it normal for fish to die off from a sudden heat increase? Has anyone ever had fish die for this reason? Because the water params are all pretty normal. Not sure else what could have killed them :/
I would say that is defiantly your cause of death no question. Not only is the temp to high just itself, but fast fluctuations of temp can kill a fish. Another thing is at that high of a temp I believe the oxygen goes down drastically.
Why did it jump so much so quick? I'm guessing since your in WI you had a heater malfunction?


I guess you could call it a heater malfunction. We actually had an odd two days of weather over 90 degrees and I still had my heater on in the fish tank. I was gone on work and my boyfriend unfortunately doesn't know enough about the tank to notice something like that. Needless to say we had the windows open and it was just super hot inside the house causing the fish tank temp to rise. I do not own a chiller, but havn't really needed one in the past. We turned the air on in the house after finding the fish dead and that helped the temp go down immediately. Hopefully it didn't fluctuate too much to affect the other fish. They seem to be doing ok right now. I'm hoping thats all it was because I don't want to keep finding my fish dead!