2 fish dead!



Smallest Green Chromis is dead. He didnt swim with the others much, and I saw the clowns kinda pickin on it.
Royal Gramma Dead. Cant find body even after I moved my rocks around.
Gonna buy bigger fish now so they dont hide or get picked on.
Just my sad story for the day.


Active Member
That is sad! But if you don't know exactly why they died I'd wait a bit to buy new fish and see if you can diagnose the problem. Depending on the type of clown, it might be hard to believe they would kill another fish...What else do you have in the tank, how old is it, how big is it, how often did you wait before adding fish?
Good luck w/the rest of them.


Active Member
when u have two clowns like true perc. they tend to be aggressive towards other fish especially if they are a mated pair in a small tank..thas what happend to my sixline..the bigger clown out of the two nipped at my sixline and later died and got eattn by the bristle worms in my tank..maybe thats y one of u fishes disspeared after it died the worms or clean up crew ate him...but im a newbie so i could be wrong


Originally Posted by aquaguy24
when u have two clowns like true perc. they tend to be aggressive towards other fish especially if they are a mated pair in a small tank..thas what happend to my sixline..the bigger clown out of the two nipped at my sixline and later died and got eattn by the bristle worms in my tank..maybe thats y one of u fishes disspeared after it died the worms or clean up crew ate him...but im a newbie so i could be wrong
I have alot of bristle worms.
My pirmas are as follows:
65Gallon FOWLR.
Amm, Trate, Trite-0
Salinity 1.023
Fish list:
3 Green Chromis 1 inch
2 false percula bought at same time unknown if mated pair-1 1/2 inches
1 six line wrasse
Inverts: 5 mex turbos.
60 lbs live rock and 3 inch sandbed.
Looked everywhere for Royal Gramma including lifting up all rocks. Gone
At least I found the body of the green chromis.
Never got an ammonia spike for either fish.


Active Member
Do you have a webcam? I ask because you may want to film your tank and record it to the hard drive so that you can watch behavior during the day. I did this to track down what was knocking a particular piece of coral off.