2 fish Mafia


Tonight I got finished typing my report for school and I come downstairs and find my 3in longnose hawkfish missing.
. I have yet to find him and I think my 2 fish mafia got him. My 4-line wrasse will tourment a fish so it retreats to a corner were my sf eels lair is the the wrasse will chase the fish towards the eels cave and he thinks its home delivery. I actually watched my wrasse do it to my neon dottyback. Do you think a 13in sfe could kill a 3in longnose hawkfish?


I'll tell you a crazy story... Yes, it can happen, it happened to me.
I had just put my longnose hawk in my tank, within 15 minutes, the hawk swam down to a rock near my eel's lair. The eel literally had the longnose of the hawk clamped in his mouth..
I thought he was done for...
Minutes later, I see the hawkfish swim out of there, and to this day, I have seen no more violence from either.
Good luck, and hope you find your fish!