2 Gallon Invert Tank


I have a 15 Gallon running and just thought it would be cool to get a 2-3 gallon tank and add inverts into it. Is there a good kit to buy or should I buy the needed equipment as seprates(sp)? I have seen eclipse and other "desktop" aquariums. I would assume the filtration sucks but I'm willing to modify it to make it work. I think this would be a really fun thing to do and keep on my nightstand. So help would be very much appreciated.
The tipical stocking question:
What and of how many can I have in a 2-3 gallon tank?

Thanks in advance


Active Member
It would need daily attention and you would not be able to go away even one day without having someone you trust top it off or set up an auto top off.
The only invertebrates you could keep in a 2-3 gal. tank would be a few sexy shrimp, one or two snails and one or two hermits.
You would definitely be better off building your own system from scratch.


If you can keep the water realy good a colored rock duster maybe. (you know hte little feather dusters) Just ad a lil marine snow (or fitler food of some sort) into the curent to it.


I'd like to make this tank stand out a little more. Is miracle mud even worth mention in replacement of LS? Could I do a mixture?


Active Member
Don't use miracle mud. It is hyped-up snake oil and I have read of tank crashes blamed on the stuff. Stick with good ol' live sand.


Ok i know how you feel. I did a 1/2 gal set up you know the dragonfly setup with the 9w light and the little filter. My advice is that any tank under 5 sucks to maintain. I had to add water daily. I had 2 tiny little yellow clown gobies in it with a tiny cleaner shrimp. There was a piece of LR with a few button polyps on it. I had to feed every 3-4 days so the water wouldnt go bad and i was doing a small waterchange every 3 days.