Ok I went to my near saltwater fish store and i saw another small maroon clownfish. Hes sooo small and i want him for my 12 gallon aquapod. I have 1 already in there about 1 1/2 inch but i have noticed hes a lil aggresive. I put a beautiful purple fire fish in there cause i thought he would want a tank mate and he was smaller than the clown. My maroon clown is just a regular 1 its not the gold stipped 1 or anything it has white strippes. I saw the next day my firefish had biting on him like 3. It couldent have been from my cleaner shrimp or my scarlett crabs or my turbo snail. He died ( firefish ) very sad
and now my maroon is bak by him self with like 4 nice corals in there big nice
Ur friend Aaron Soliz #3
Ur friend Aaron Soliz #3