2 Maroon Clowns??


Active Member
I called up my lfs asking for 2 Gold Bar Maroon Clowns and they said that they could try to pair some up for me. They said that they would put two of them together and see if they fight and if they dont you can keep them as a pair.
will this work and if they dont fight would it actually be a pair? or would they just be getting along and not considered as a pair?


Active Member
If you're looking for a pair of maroons, your best bet would be to get some that have already paired off. Maroons are the most aggressive of the clownfish species. If he dumps them in the tank, eventually they will fight for dominance. If there's a bigger one, then she will fight until the littler one becomes submissive or dies. If they're the same size they'll fight to become the female. Same situation though....one will either become submissive or die...and occasionally, they'll both die. Most of the time though, they'll fight and one will become submissive and they'll pair off. This takes time though and could look very violent. To save grief, I bought my pair already paired off. Hope this answers your questions.


Another option is to buy 2 juvinelles. They will form a bond and become a pair usually minimal bickering. It is usually easier to find and much cheeper if you are not in a hurry for full grown fish.


Active Member
I tried to large females in a 240g with 300lbs of LR and tons of space and they fought.
Need to be paired to begin with or they will fight.


Active Member
ok thanks. i just picked up a pair of them at the store and they seem to be doing fine. i also got a long tentacle anemone. which goes in first the fish or anemone? also what do ineed to feed the anemone?


New Member
I had a really hard time pairing up my maroons.
I bought them as juveniles (the smallest juvenile clownfish I've ever seen for sale) and they still fought.
The more dominant became female and she made the male miserable for about 2 weeks and then, one morning, I woke up and they were both sleeping in the anemone.
I got very lucky, but a lot of people lose clowns this way.


Active Member
Sorry I haven't replied sooner. I have several tank mates but I added them first before adding the clowns. I have a Springer's damsel, a green chromis, a cleaner wrasse, a pinkspotted goby and a lawnmower blenny. No problems so far.