2 mo. old 12 gallon nano


Active Member

Is this your first tank? I also have a 12, but it looks nowhere NEAR as bangin' as yours! :jumping:
What's your list of inhabs?


Very Nice ! Great job of keeping....
Originally Posted by Littleliza
my tank has had fish and corals in it for 2 months as of today! :)


kingoftang: I think it's a green hairy mushroom, but my coral identifying skills are still lacking. I bought a bunch of frags and 'shrooms from a lady in town, so forgive me if I have some wrong.
jhebi: I'm just running the stock lighting for the nanocube deluxe... I believe it's 48 watts (2 24 watt bulbs)
exile415: the last picture is my clingfish in the front and a blue mushroom in the top right.
This is my first reef tank, but I have a 44 gallon fish only, a piranah tank, a community fresh tank and a brackish water tank that I'm gradually bringing up to freshwater.
It's a 12 gallon nanocube deluxe. I modified the back chambers by removing the bio balls and the ceramic rings. I added in a 50 watt heater and a maxi-jet 900. I'm considering also getting some kind of skimmer for the surface scum. Everything else is stock. I keep the temperature around 83 degrees. I tried to keep it cooler, but the heat from the lights caused issues. I ran a fan over it during the day and that helped, but eventually I just gave in and put the heater at 83 for a constant temp. and nothing seems to be worse off for it.
residents include: a hi-finned goby, a royal gramma and a very small clingfish. I also have a cleaner shrimp, 1 peppermint shrimp, 2 super tonga nassarius snails, and 2 astrea snails (I think... again, ID issues... they're conical with a dark base and the top is metallic silver). I've got 2 zebra hermits and 3 blue legged hermits. I've got approximately 15 lbs. of live rock and 20 lbs. of live sand in the tank. As for corals, I have yellow polyps, a carnation coral, colt coral (I think... it's actually very green in color when it's shrunken down, but appears brown when it's fully expanded), blue mushrooms, various orange zoas, button polyps, green daisy polyps, green star polyps, a mushroom that is greyish with spots, coral star polyps, finger coral, candycane coral, and a pink and white feather duster. I've probably forgotten something, but I think that is the majority of my critters. :)


Active Member
liza are you sure that the picture king re posted is a hairy mushroom. it looks more like a bubble tip anemone


nope, I'm not sure at all, but pics of the BTAs I've seen look more bulbous at the end of the tentacles, and it doesn't move around at all. I've got pretty low lighting to be keeping anenomes, but so far whatever he is he's doing ok. :)


I thought that it was a bubble tip anemone but wasn't sure. Looks really nice. Well-kept. Can you post a pic of your whole tank littleliza?