2 month old 55g in wall FOWLR pics


Just waiting to make sure the water stays in the right place, and nothing dies on me. I will then add some corals, to get the mini reef going. Can't wait till that's done. This is one cool hobby. Better than drinking beer, oh no, did I say that outloud. Must have said that because the wife is here.


That's the plan, to turn it into a reef tank. I just got back from the LFS with a couple of pieces of Tonga, and a Royal Gramma. Next week some Kaleni<---not sure of the spelling. After that I'll start with level 1 corals like shrooms and leathers. Hopefully it will turn out really nice when I get finished with it.


Thats REALLY nice! You are gonna wear out your couch sittin' on your knees lookin in! (We would if thats how ours was!)
Instead we have a kiddie step stool with the abc's on it..that we sit on and look in with! Wish I had a couch infront of mine!


That's the wife's couch there. Mine is bigger just off to the left side of the tank, so I can lay down and watch the fish, or the big screen. Sometimes I just tune in some light jazz on the stereo and watch the fish. It's so relaxing, I usually end up falling asleep...ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ


Thanks, it's my first try at this and I hope I do well. Can't wait to get some beginner corals in there to add some color. been sitting here reading all kinds of posts thinking to myself.Hmmmmmm how big do i want my next tank to be, 150 no, 175 no, 200 no, 250-300 I think will be awesome.That's my goal after this one has it's 15 minutes of fame.


I'm curious. That setup looks to be almost "too convienient". From the pics it looks like you have a small room that the tank and equipment are stored in. Did you add all of that or how did you modify your existing floorplan? Looks really great.


The room that the equipment is in use to be a small closet. It was only about half the width of the wall that the tank is in. I extended the wall out to incorporate the tank. I then cut the wall out so it would fit, and added 2 small supporting wallls for the weight of the tank. I then made some shelves underneath the tank to house my W/D filter and other necessary items. I'm wondering what you mean by "too convenient"?


By "too convienient" I meant, most house are not designed with aquarists in mind. So, I was wondering what it took to get it to look as good as it does. I wish I had a convienient spot in my house to do even something similar to what you did, but I don't think I do. :confused: Keep us all updated with pics. I'm curious to see how it ends up when you start putting coral in.


hey, if its not too much trouble, do you think you could send me a larger version of this the 2nd picture posted. the one that shows the whole setup. ????


Hey Chris,
What are you looking for exactly? Do you want a larger picture of the front of the tank, or are you wanting one of the back side of the tank? Let me know and I can E-mail you one.


By "too convienient" I meant, most house are not designed with aquarists in mind. So, I was wondering what it took to get it to look as good as it does. I wish I had a convienient spot in my house to do even something similar to what you did, but I don't think I do. Keep us all updated with pics. I'm curious to see how it ends up when you start putting coral in.
I will keep ya'll updated when I ge tnew arrivals. My wife wants me to finish all the tape and bed work and then do the painting. I told her no way, the tank is in there and done, no need for all that know. That stuff can wait till next year.