2 new fish


New Member
would it be alright to put in 2 fish at the same time? they will be the first fish in the tank (55 gallon). dont know which fish yet. my sister wants to choose one and i do too so we can both have one. thanks!


Probably best to see if they both will live in harmony together

and if so acclimate them correctly and that should be fine.
I know I've done that a bunch of times with no problems
I usually turn the lights off in the tank because I think I remember someone telling me it is less stressfull.
Hope that helps


yeah, thats fine. I just wouldnt make them a huge fish, and no tangs, angels or butterflies. make it a hardy one. or two.


Well-Known Member
If it is definately only going to be a fish only aquarium, any fish is good, as long as the adult size is not going to be very big for the 55 gallon.
Fish can be introduced at the same time, and like the other person said, you need a longer tank if you are going to keep tangs, however, I have kept tangs in a 55 gallon aquarium witout any problems.
I hope this helped.