2 percula Clowns


Active Member
i think thats his way of saying, would you like to be in something thtt small with another human. makes no sense to me. I have three fish in a 29 and they do fine. I used to have a fresh water with like 6 fish in it. Should be ok. I think its 5 gallons per every incho of fish. (corect me if i am wrong)
according to Paletta, you can double the bioload carrying capacity of a tank by having sufficient LR & LS, bringing it to 2~3 inches of fish per 5 gallons


Active Member
I have 2 percs in my 10. Not a problem at all. Just keep the water quality good, some LR, etc... They look happy to me - always playing, feeding. No other fish though. 2 is it.


IMO, there is nothing wrong with keeping 2 false percs(or true percs) in a 10 gallon tank. The pair that I have now are really fat and healthy. I kept them both in a 10 gallon for about 6 months and they seemed fine. From what I hear, you can even breed clowns in a 10 gallon tank. Just make sure that thats the only 2 fish that you have in there and you'll be fine. :D


Active Member
I agree with being able to keep to clowns in a 10 gallon tank. They are very hardy, and they do not swim too terribly much...
I plan to have a pair in my 20 gallon tank along with a royal gramma for color.
By the way, how do you tell the difference between a male and a female clownfish? (Before they mate...) Hopefully my LFS can tell the difference when I go and buy one of each. :D


I dont really think that thers a way to tell the differance between a male and female clown. The way you pair them up though is to get either two small ones, or a big one and a small one. The smaller of the two will be the male and the bigger one will be the female. They change their --- so anything is possible. I hear that once they become female they cant go back though to male. :D


Active Member
Yep - Percula CLowns can change their ---. One becomes dominate and the other may change to female to form a mated pair.

sinner's girl

"One becomes dominate and the other may change to female to form a mated pair" the female is the dominate one.
Just buy two that are close to the same size, they'll fight it out later.
"do not swim too terribly much" No way would I put my clown in a 10gl, she swims all over.
"I'm all ready going to put one in" the tank is cycled right? (just making sure since you are new to this board, and many don't know they should cycle the tank before adding fish).
good luck


Active Member
I didn't know they can change ---...interesting.
I was thinking of getting 2 that are the same size, about a little more than an inch or so.


I just bought two from the LFS today. They are both about 3/4 of an inch and they are hanging out together already. is this a good thing? I bought them from the same tank. They were the only two in that tank. Anyway I hope they host in my xenia soon. I have heard they will host in soft corals. Anyone have this experience. Also what do you feed yours? I have flake right now but I will get frozen or live if I need it.