2 questions about FUGE lighting

in the fuge i have mineral mud, live rock, and cheato...
1. should i run the light all day? or in cycles like my dt? if in cycles how long?
2. I bought a fixture from lowes is a 15 watt t8 bulb 6500k...is this good enough for my fuge? or do i need something else?


Active Member
The bulb that you chose sounds good to me. I run the same thing and my chaeto grows like crazy. I usually run my lights the opposite to the DT. So when the lights in the DT are on the Fuge lights are off, and vice versa.


I have a 70W compact fluorescent bulb on a 24/7 schedule. Chaeto grows like crazy, I throw out a volleyball size mass every 2 weeks. I noticed an increase in micro-algae growth when I added the light to my sump, but a pair of astrea snails keeps it in check.


Active Member
Many recommend that it is on an opposite schedule as your DT because the photosynthesis of the fuge when the DT lights are off will help to balance the pH throughout a 24 hr period.
I use a 60 or 75W PC bulb in a home depot reflector, cheato grows like crazy!