2 questions, not related, new fish and powerheads

I recently added a midas blenny right here from SWF. He's been in the tank for about 48 hrs. now and hes been in hiding for about the past 24. Whats the longest I need to wait before I try to look for him and start searching the tank.
I have a 55 gal reef. I have experienced a small red algae outbreak. I performed a water change this week and it seems to have slowed it. I have two penguin 550 power heads, one in each corner blowing to the center of the tank. Do I need more powerheads? If so where do I place and aim the others?
Thanks !!!
dont keep the midas with firegobys or any other goby they are known to rip off their fins.and what no more than a week.try getting hagen 402's and put them in each corner opposite of each other


Powersweeps are great, only if you run the pre-filters on them. If you don't they will stop up, and cease to sweep. Therefore defeating the purpose of having them. They work great at varying current and flow. I recommend them only with the pre-filters, and normal maintainance. If your not prepared to clean them out every so often, forget it! HTH ;)