2 questions ... please look


Is one maxi jet 900 too much current for a 29 gal ?
Where do feather dusters like to sit? (current/light/on rock in sand)


Not sure about the Maxi-jet being too much or too little, hopefully someone else can help you there.
IME with our single H. duster I dont believe light is much of a factor. A low current will suffice, I dont think think they like direct or high flow: they may not filter efficiently/sufficiently.
As far as sand or rock, I've seen both. I would say if the sand base is sufficient enough to support the stalk it would be fine, if not wedging it in rocks will be fine. We have a CC base and buried the base, but in time it moved enough to attach itself to some base rock. I believe they will move if they are not happy, but ours has stayed put other than it twisting and positioning itself. HTH.


Active Member
Is one maxi jet 900 too much current for a 29 gal ?
No, not to much. you might want to add more.
Where do feather dusters like to sit? (current/light/on rock in sand)
Low current/light don't matter/mine curled up in a big snail shell on the sand. Most use the rocks.