2 questions!


I know this may sound stupid but I need to know how long it takes a Clownfish to excrete feces from its body? The reason I ask is because I know that in salt water tanks amonia is a killer! Our Clownfish has been excreting waste now for about 1 hour! Is this normal and is it cause for concern? This may cause a chuckle in some people but I am new at this and have lost 3 fish so far, 2 Clowns and a Powder Blue Tang, therefore I am a bit over protective!!! # 2 question, Our 2 clowns seem to have found comfort in our frogspawn! It is the only thing in our tank that resembles a anemone, other than that we only have mushrooms and a Finger Leather is this normal?


Active Member
As far as the hosting goes, it happens. Enjoy it.
As far as the excreting goes, he may have an internal bacterial gut infection. He is not constantly excreting, just constipated and has one long string. Get him to a hospital tank and treat the water with antibiotics (found at your LFS) for 7 days. Mine had the same thing, did that and it is fine.


Active Member
Originally Posted by kaseykagan
how serious is this? Do this mean we may lose another fish!!! :help:

Serious if you don't treat it.
Easily treatable though. Get a 10-gallon tank from any store (like $8), a small airpump and an airstone and a small heater. Put a few random pieces of PVC piping in there for sturcture for him to hide in/swim around. Total setup cost about $35. Put the fishy in there. Medicate the water per directions. Change 10% of the water daily (only a gallon). Do this for 7 days. He should be eating fine (and pooping fine as well) after a few days. Then transfer him back to the main tank (use acclimation techniques for both transfers).
After that, he (or she) will be as good as new! Should not come up again either. This really is a common problem with a fairly easy solution. Shame so many beautiful clowns die every year because this goes untreated.
I've never lost a fishy to disease yet.....and stick with me and we won't loose yours! :cheer: