2 questions????


I have a dalmation puffer and he is awesome. I put him in the tank a week ago with out going into the qt tank because he was the only thing in there except a wrasse and damsel. I just noticed this morning that he has those white specs on hes left side ( I think it is ick). He is fine right now and swimming around alot. I am not planing on adding anything for a while, but has anyone had a fish with the signs of ick and not gotten sick/dead? And if it does come to the point of feeding it garlic soaked shimp, what type of garlic to i feed him?
PS. I am posting this in the disease forum too.


Active Member
for the ich, put the fish in a QT tank, and then treat with hypo, see the post in the disease forum on the top. It's a sticky post with good directions for hyposalinity.


Active Member
I agree with MorayM, but I would also start feeding it garlic now. Why take a chance that it might get worse? Yes, I have seen plenty of fish fight off ick without dying or even getting any worse than the first signs. I recommend Kent Garlic Xtreme.


I heard kent products suck. one is px- something and it is suppose to fight ick and he can kill all the fish in the tank. I just heard about it in the disease forum.